Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Moon September 27, 2011

The new Moon on September 27th will fall in the sign of Libra. It is the sign that brings love, harmony and equality to all. It is a time to compromise and seek justice for all. You will find yourself wanting to love and show affection to others. You are willing to compromise for the sake of others. You are looking for peace and tranquility so that everyone can get along with each other. It could also be that you are willing to make sacrifices in a partnership or relationship to compromise. The next two weeks can help you to connect with others including family and friends or a partnership or relationship. You want to be part of something including partnerships, relationships and friendships. You may find yourself falling in love with love or giving more of yourself to someone out. You don't want to make great enough sacrifices to where you are taking advantage of from someone else.

The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all support the new Moon which tells me you are seeking love and compromise and to feel a greater connection with others. Saturn also connects well with the new Moon which brings a sense of duty, responsibility and discipline especially in connection to relationships, partnerships, friendships and even work relationships. Uranus opposes the new Moon which can bring sudden endings and beginnings. It could be that one chapter of your life closes and a new chapter begins. You want to be careful as you can expect the unexpected with relationships and from other people. They may surprise you especially if they do something you would not expect from them. Pluto squares the new Moon which tells me there is a sense of dominance, control or in the quality from someone else. It could come from a female or other authority figure.

The way that I see it the new Moon will make you look at your relationships carefully to see what has not been working in your life. You may find yourself giving more to someone just to keep the peace. You are open to compromise but also make sure that other people are looking to compromise with you. You will find yourself working with others in order to move forward with your career, finances, education or personal relationships. I feel the next two weeks can be a very active time for you to socialize and meet new people.

he new Moon will affect those born from the 21st through 28th from any month of any Sun sign. Everyone will feel the effects of this new Moon but especially those born during that time frame. If you want to read how your particular Sun sign will be affected by the new Moon then click on the link below. If you know your rising sign make sure to read that for a scope too. Enjoy.



The Psychic One

1 comment:

  1. I read this and I just had relationships fall apart because I stood my ground. I am born on the 19th so it does not pertain to me at all.
