Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Weekly Horoscopes for July 6, 2011-July 12, 2011


Your main concern for the week will focus on a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. There may be some issues that need to be discussed with a partner. It could be that you are forming a partnership or relationship. It is time to work closely together to further your career or personal relationships. It may be time to take it to the next level and form a greater commitment. On July 7th you are feeling excited and impulsive. You are natural at being impulsive so slow down and do not get careless with others. On July 8th your career shines. It may bring great opportunities or more money. Be careful as you may seem a bit pushy or dominate towards others. A partner is highlighted on July 9th and July 10th. It may be time to discuss serious issues and problems. Uranus retrogrades on this day making the next 4 months a time for you to slow down. For some Aries having Uranus in your sign might push you to take great chances. On July 11th you seem focused to get work done.


Work projects, obligations, tasks and duties are highlighted at this time. You can expect to work harder for the money on July 6th and July 9th. It is time for you to keep busy with projects and tasks. It will also work best for you to get chores and errands done at home. You are planning for the future and may do some advertising or marketing on July 8th. You may plan for your future and make plans to enter college or a University. It is time for you to expand your horizons mentally or physically. You are more social and outgoing on this day too so reach out to others and make some new friends. Uranus retrogrades on July 9th. retrogrades in your 12th house of secrets and solitude making this a time when you will find yourself dreaming and fantasizing. You will also get lost and confused with messages of insight. By July 11th and 12th you are focused on getting work projects on time.


On July 6th and July 9th your focus will turn to love and relationships. You may find love, follow love and spend time with children. It's also very positive day for you to discuss any issues or problems with a lover or child. It could relate to finances or the future of the relationship. It is a time to several them boundaries in regards to relationship or with a child. On July 7th friends bring fine and excitement. You may disagree or argue with a friend, group or organization. You may also meet someone new that brings great excitement and fun. On July 8th financial obligations and duties relating to taxes, credit and loans are highlighted at this time. You may have to pay a bill or a debt. It is also the right time for you to budget and save for the future. You may gain financially through bonus, commission, reward. Uranus retrograde on July 9th from your 11th house of friendships. The next four months may bring a time for you to disagree with a friend and you may even lose a friend in the process. You may surround yourself with different groups and organizations. On July 11th and July 12th it would be a wonderful opportunity for you to focus on getting projects done around home and at work. It's also positive time for you to submit resumes and applications or attend an interview or meeting.


The home is your main focus and concern on July 6th and July 9th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. The full time for you to get chores and errands done around the home. You may decide to help a parent or mother. A great time to clean the closet thing garage. On July 8th a partner may create problems for you. You may have to discuss some issues or problems with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may meet someone new that could eventually build a long-term committed relationship. It is a time to discuss the issues versus trying to dominate the issues. Friendships are highlighted at this time as you may make a new friend or join a group or organization. You are social and outgoing and may attend a special event or party. Uranus retrogrades on July 9th from your 10th house of career. The next four months may bring sudden upsets and changes at work. You may quit a job or begin a new job suddenly. Expect the unexpected during the next four months as they may cause you to lose a job or see sudden changes at work and obligations. By July 11th you seem to be busy and focus on getting work done and taking care of projects at home.


Short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors are highlighted for you on July 6th. You may take a short trip or others may come to visit you. It will also be a time for you to increase and improve communication via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may also find yourself taking care of tedious details and tasks in a project. You will work hard for the money and even work hard at a project at home. On July 7th you are feeling excited and spontaneous. You want to be careful as you may spend more money than what you should. It could also bring a time for you to discover a new opportunity. On July 8th you can expect to work hard for the money and have many projects and tasks take care of. I feel that this is a positive day for you to also gain through a job or finances. You may receive a job promotion or opportunity. You may also receive a new job offer. Uranus retrogrades on July 9th from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next four months may bring some challenges when it comes to travel or it could be that you take setting quick short trips. You may take also a sudden quick long-distance trip. Your mind will be racing more frequently with many thoughts and ideas and plans for the future. It could be that you have many projects to take care of and complete. On July 11th and July 12th you are mentally focus and dedicated to completing work. You are the sign that will work hard to achieve success in this because no different.


Finances are your main concern on July 6th. You may have to balance a budget and save for the future. You may feel bit strained with your finances. You could possibly receive a job offer or opportunity. I feel you will be working harder for the money at this time. On July 7th you may have to pay a hefty debt or bill. You may even find yourself being a bit careless with your finances, credit cards, taxes and loans. You are social and outgoing on July 8th. It is time for you to make a new friend and build a loving relationship or friendship with others including new friends and old friends, groups and organizations. You may attend a special event or party. Financial obligations are highlighted again on July 9th. May be time to pay a bill or pay a debt. Uranus will retrograde from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on July 9th. You may experience problems with taxes, credit cards, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support, alimony, settlements, gifts and rewards. You may have to rack up a credit card in order to pay off some bills. It could be that you fall behind on some of these payment. By July 11th and July 12th you are mentally focus the working hard to get chores and tasks on around home.


It's all about you on July 6th. You will focus on what matters most to you. It could be about your career or it could be about home. It could also be about relationships and partnerships. You are very focused and dedicated to completing work projects and getting ahead with your finances. Your finding yourself making more plans for the future and what will make you happy. On July 7th you seem spontaneous and excited about a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. There may be fun and exciting events planned for the day or for the month. You're willing to take chances and see what is out there. You may also meet someone new and feel love at first sight. On July 8th the home is your main focus and concern. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It's also positive financial day for you but it also depend the what's been going on lately. You could make more money or find new ways to build financial security and stability. You may gain through other resources including credit cards, loans, gifts and rewards. Uranus retrograde on July 9th from your partnership house. The next four months may bring some challenges with the partner. It could be that there are some issues that need to be discuss and resolve. You may lose a partner or divorce or breakup. You may find challenges through others who may bring difficulties with you. By July 11th and July 12th you are mentally focus on getting work done including chores and tasks around home.


You will run into many task and projects at the beginning of the week. You will be working hard for the money and working hard around the home. It could be that you are trying to catch up on projects that need to be done but have been neglected. You may be working hard for the money because you are taking on more work at this time. You also feel sense of depression and stress and the fear of feeling like there is not enough money or security. On July 7th you may receive a job opportunity or offer. Work projects and tasks seem to comment you left or right. There are many obligations and duties to take care of and you may experience stress and anxiety at this time. Seems to be a positive day for you to connect well with a partner on July 8th. You may build a new partnership or feel great connection and bond with someone special. You may also just make a new friend. Financial opportunities may present themselves at this time. On July 9th work projects, obligations and duties are highlighted. There are many task and projects in need to be taking care of and you have the time and patience to work on the tedious details of a task. Uranus will retrograde from your 6th house of work, service and health on July 9th. You may experience problems with office equipment, coworkers and employees. It may be that you will run into problems completing work projects and a job. You may do the job or change jobs quickly. You will be mentally focus and working hard for the money on July 11th and July 12th. It would be the right time for you to focus on a project then need time and dedication.


At the beginning of the week your focus will turn to friends, groups and organizations. It may be time for you to have a serious discussion with a friend or group. You may make a new friend at this time or build stronger bond in connection with others. It is a time to organize and plan for the future. In may include your friends. You are disciplined and willing to accommodate to others to build a project or to build a friendship. On July 7th you may meet someone new to fall in love with or to go out on a date. Love and children are highlighted at this time. If you're looking to meet someone new then today would be a great day for you to reach out to someone. You may be surprised at how strong the connection will be. Current love relationship will bring a nice work into the relationship. Children bring great fun and excitement and it could be a time to join a sport, hobby or other recreational activities. Finances are highlighted on July 8th. You may get a new job or find new ways to build financial security and stability. You want to be careful in your current job as you may have coworkers or employees trying to dominate you or you may try to dominate them. A great time to have a discussion with a friend is July 9th. You may build a new friendship or meet someone that could help you personally through advice and guidance. Uranus will retrograde on this day from your fifth house of love and children. You may experience a breakup or you could meet someone new in a unexpected way. Children may bring difficulty or you could hear of a baby on the way. It is a time of the unexpected with love and relationships and with children and creative projects. You may also experience electrical problems with musical instruments. On July 11th and July 12th it will be a great time for you to complete work projects, task and duties.


Your career is highlighted on July 6th and July 9th. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be that you receive a promotion or advancement. You seem more disciplined to get work projects done at this time. It could also be that you build the business venture or start a new business. On July 7th the home is your main focus and concern. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. Someone may move in or move out of the home. It is also a time for you to take care of any electrical repairs at home. On July 8th your focus turns to a partner. It may be time to discuss some serious issues or problems for the future of the relationship. If you're currently in a marriage or committed partnership then it could be that the two of you seem to be more dependent upon one another. It is an exciting time to have fun together and to enjoy a the relationship together. If you are single then you may meet someone new who could really turn you on. Uranus retrogrades on July 9th from your fourth house of home. There could be several distractions going on in the home for the next four months. It could bring the ending of a relationship or marriage. Someone may move in or move out at this time. There may be electrical problems at home or you may experience some major renovations and repairs. You may have to set only leave a home because you are selling the home or because you lost your home to foreclosure or short sale. By July 11th and July 12th you seem mentally focus to get work projects done around the home or at work. It will also be a positive time to study and learn.


Travel is highlighted for you on July 6th and July 9th. You may take a long-distance trip or have others come to visit you. You may enter college or University. It is time for you to broaden your horizons mentally or physically. If you're looking to take a trip or plan a trip then you are mentally focus to take care of the small tedious details of your itinerary. You may also have to take care of issues regarding law, courts religion and church. On July 7th you may decide to take a quick short trip out-of-town or nearby town. A quick short trip could be a one-hour flight trip too. You seek fun and excitement at this time so you may travel to places like Las Vegas, New York or Atlantic City. You want to have a little fun and do something spontaneous and full of excitement. You could take a quick out-of-town road trip just to discover something new at this time. On July 8th you seem to be focused more on your own personal wants and needs and what's going to make you happy. Your focus will also turn to your health and how you feel mentally and physically. You may try to control and dominate others including friends, coworkers and employees. You are social and outgoing at this time which is great if you want to make new friends. You are the social sign so get out there and mingle. Uranus retrogrades on July 9th from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may experience problems with vehicles and other communication gadget including cell phones, computers and telephones. There may be problems electrically especially with the Internet and if you're trying to send out e-mails, text messages or make a phone call. You may also feel anxious and stressed so try to do your best to stay calm. It could be that you have vehicle problems so I suggest to get your vehicle repaired or updated. By July 11th you are mentally focus to take care of task and projects and it would be a positive time for you to work hard and get work completed on time.


Financial obligations and duties connected to taxes, credit cards, commissions, child support, alimony, bonuses and loans are highlighted on July 6th and July 9th. You may have to pay some hefty debts are bills. It could be that you are paying off some bills. I feel that this is a positive time for you to budget and save for the future and take care of financial obligations and duties. You may also take greater concern on retirement funds and savings accounts. On July 7th you may have to take care of the big chunk of a bill or debt. You want to be careful that you do not spend lavishly at this time as you may be a bit careless with your finances. Try to set a budget if possible. On July 8th friends may try to dominate you or you may try to dominate your friends. It could be that you are trying to take control for a group or organization. You are social and want to connect with family and friends. Communication will increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may also take a quick trip out-of-town or to a place nearby. Financial obligations and transaction should go well for you. Uranus retrogrades on July 9th from your second house of earned income. The next four weeks may be a bit erratic when it comes to your finances. You may find new ways to make money but you may also discover ways for your finances to disappear. In other words you may spend easily. Uranus in the second house can also make you leave are let go of your private possessions. I tend to notices in people who do a lot of traveling for period of time and leave their possessions behind until they return back to their home. For example, if you have to travel for business reasons you may leave your apartment or home for an extended amount of time until you return home. You are not letting go of your possessions you are just not living in them at the time. You're not selling them but you are also not enjoying your possessions including sleeping on your bed, sitting on your sofa and eating offer your dining table. Not until you return home do you get to enjoy all these possessions. It's not necessarily a bad thing it's just a new way of handling your possessions. By July 11th and July 12th you are mentally focus and getting work projects done at home and at work


The Psychic One

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1 comment:

  1. It would be great post! I'm checking out my horoscope :)
