Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weekly Horoscopes for July 13, 2011-July 19, 2011


You may experience problems with a partner on July 13th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. There may be some disagreements and arguments or it could be that you are feeling cold and reserved towards the partner. If there any issues or problems to discuss the today would be a great day to work them out. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to receive a promotion or advancement. It could also be that you receive a raise, bonus or commission. You may also find a new job at this time. Uranus supports the full Moon from your own sign which gives you great freedom and flexibility. You may seek to change your schedule which creates sudden changes in surprises. It could be that you get a job where the schedule will be unpredictable yet interesting. I feel that the next two weeks can be very positive for you for financial gains and higher status .If you are a student then the next couple weeks may bring a time for you to find new ways to get ahead in your career by applying for college or University. If you are currently taking classes thing your main focus may be on how you can advance yourself so that you can get ahead in your career field for when you graduate from college or University. You are focused and making plans for your future and how to succeed in your future. You are in a good mood on July 18th at 3:51 PM Eastern standard time as you may receive a phone call from a female or it could be you reaching out to others at this time. Your mood is positive in you seem to get along with others.


You can expect that work projects, duties and obligations will be very tedious and overwhelming on July 13th. You can expect many projects, task and duties to take care of at this time and there may not be enough time to complete them. You may also feel that you have too much work to take care of in your health may be affected by it too. You want to be careful that you are not feeling reserved or harsh towards coworkers and employees. You may be feeling tired and frustrated. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to travel long-distance or to have others from afar come to visit you. You may also enter a college or University. It is time for you to broaden your horizons by studying and learning something you. You expand your horizons mentally or physically. It is a time for you to learn a new language or culture. The next two weeks seems to be a positive time for you to market or promote a product or yourself via the Internet, radio or television. Uranus brings a sense of fun and excitement as you may connect with friends and family. Intense emotions and filming seem to increase on July 18th at 12:17 PM Eastern standard time. You may be feeling a sense of jealousy, anger, love, lust and excitement at this time. You may be in the mood for a quick meal or snack on July 19th at 4:45 PM Eastern standard time. You may have a disagreement or argument with a female.


You may feel a sense of strain, lover, partner or child on July 13th. It could be that you are having a disagreement or argument with this individual. You may experience too many duties and obligations on this day connected with children, lovers, partners and other individuals and groups. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support, alimony and any other joint financial or material assets connected to someone else. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to pay a hefty debt or bill. It also could be that you are making a major purchase like a home or vehicle and so it will feel like a major debt or bill. It will be a time for you to budget and save for the future as you may begin to look at your retirement funds and savings accounts. It could also be a very positive time for you to create a new retirement fun or savings account. You may also feel obligations towards others including children and ex-partners and lovers. You may have to pay child support or another debt to somebody else. It could be that you collaborate or cosign with someone in order to purchase a home or vehicle. It is time to focus on obligations connected with others and how to best handle them. Uranus will support this full Moon which can bring about a sudden opportunities for you. On July 18th at 3:51 PM EST you seem to be in a better mood to connect with the people around you. You may connect and communicate with a female or friend. You are social and outgoing and will do well communicating with others.


The home is highlighted on July 13th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. You may also have a disagreement or argument with someone in the home including partners, spouse, lover and roommates. Try to be compassionate and understanding if there are some disagreements between the two of you. It may be a difficult time to resolve issues so try to do the best that you can at this time. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your partnership house. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to connect with the partner or build a partnership. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may meet someone new to build a long-term relationship or could be that you get engaged or get married. You may also build a business partnership or work closely with someone to further your education or career. Uranus will support the full Moon from your career house which can as easily bring a great big boost of confidence for the future of your career. It could be that you have someone else bringing you a connection or referral. It may be a friend, coworker or employee. You find new ways to advance in your career and it could come through the Internet or through an unexpected source. On July 18th at 12:17 PM Eastern standard time emotions intensify as you may be feeling sad and depressed or love and affection. At 3:50 PM Eastern standard time you seem to be in a better mood and you connect well with the people around you. On July 19th at 4:40 PM Eastern standard time you may find yourself having a disagreement or argument with a female or someone close to you. It's a positive time to get work projects done including task, chores and errands.


On July 13th communication may be disrupted or difficult in connection to the people around you. You may experience problems with computers, cell phones and the Internet. It could also be a time for you to get down and discipline yourself in taking care of tedious projects and tasks especially in connection to e-mails, phone calls and written projects. The full moon on July 15th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money and to get plenty of projects done around work and at home. You will be a very busy person catching up on projects or any task and duties that need to be done. You also focus on your health by exercising and losing weight. It is a positive time for you to lose weight and even focus on the health of a pet. You may decide to take care of routine medical checkups and exams or it could be that you are focusing your time and energy on the health of a pet by having them receive medical checkups and exams. It is time for you to focus on your health and well-being. It would also be a time for you to purchase new office supplies or equipment. I feel that this could be a very positive full Moon to help you advance in your career or work projects and duties. On July 18th at 12:17 PM emotions intensify with others including love, lust, jealousy, anger and excitement. At 3:50 PM Eastern standard time you are in a more social and outgoing mood and may connect with a female. You may receive a phone call or text at this time from others or you may be the one reaching out to others. You want to be careful on July 19 at 4:41 PM as you may feel a bit rushed to get projects done. You may also run into an angry woman or it could be you that angry towards others.


On July 13th you will be feeling stress and frustration over finances. It could be that you have a debt or bill to pay or you have to balance the checkbook and set a budget. You may feel a bit stressed or depressed about your financial duties and obligations. There may be some disappointment connected to finances or a job. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your 5th house of love and children. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to find love, follow love and spend time with children. It is a time for you to reconnect with someone from your past or even reconnect with your own children. You will be quite emotional and sensitive but it also could be very positive as it could heighten emotions and feelings. You may meet someone new that you will eventually fall in love with. It could be that you spend time with a child and feel greater bond closeness to them. You may conceive a child or a child is born. You may see a child move away from the home. They may graduate or receive a big job offer. They may also marry or get engaged. You may finally decide to end a relationship especially if the relationship has not been healthy. It is a time to close one door and you will find yourself opening a new door. I feel that this would be a very positive time for you to look in yourself in figure out what it is that's going to make you happy. On July 18th at 3:51 PM Eastern standard time you are in a optimistic and social mood. It is time for you to feel positive about the people around you and opportunities that may present themselves. On July 19 at 4:45 PM Eastern standard time you meet a quick meal or snack.


You may feel a sense of duties and obligations on July 13th. Saturn currently in your own sign is squaring Venus your rolling sign. The challenge that comes with this is that you will feel a greater stress, anxiety or the depression. it could be that you have many duties and obligations to take care of in connection to family, career, finances and the home. It will only last for about a day or two so hang in there. The full moon on July 15th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may relocate to be closer to work. It could be that someone moves in or out of the home. You may also decide to clean around the home to get rid of some old items. It may be time for you to make some repairs or changes in the home. It is a full moon so you may feel emotional that you may have to let go a part of yourself or a part of your home. For example you get rid of items from your past. It could be that you have to leave or let go of your home whether you have to or because you want to. Venus oppose the full Moon from your 10th house of career making this a time when you will feel a sense of duty and obligation with your work and home. It could be for instance if you have family coming over but you still have to work then you may find yourself having to readjust her schedule in order to accommodate your family. It may also be that you have to bring your work home in order to be able to spend more time with family. The next two weeks may be a little bit chaotic as and schedules and time for others. On July 19 at 4:45 PM Eastern standard time you will find yourself rushing to complete work projects and tasks that you want to be careful that you are not careless as you may have an accident. Hopefully you are being cautious. It is also a time for you to eat a quick meal or snack.


You may feel depressed and worried about finances on July 13th. It could also be that you are stressing about work obligations and duties. It is a time for you to complete task and projects around home and at work. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to take a short trip out-of-town or short trip close by your place of living. It could be an unexpected short trip. Communication will increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may also see an increase of communication with sibling, neighbors, cousin, aunts and uncles. You may travel to spend time with someone close to you. Venus will oppose the full Moon from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places which tells me that this may be a time for you to indulge in spend extravagantly on a trip. You may also take a trip for your own personal leisure and pleasure. It could be to go on a shopping trip or to get out and save see a place nearby. I feel that the next couple weeks will be a positive time for you to learn new towns and cities that are nearby you especially a place that you have never been to but you know is on the a couple hours away if not less. You may also have to drive into the city or a nearby city for professional or personal reasons. Emotions intensify on July 18th at 12:17 PM Eastern standard time. You may feel sense of excitement, love, anger, resentment, guilt and lust. Try to control your emotions even though it may be difficult at this time. At 3:50 PM Eastern standard time you are feeling a greater sense of assignment, fun and enjoyment. You may hear some positive news or even hear from someone through a text, e-mail or phone call. It could be that you are reaching out to someone else. On July 19th at 4:40 PM Eastern standard time you may feel angry towards others or a female is angry at you. It could also be that you are rushing yourself to get work done at home or even at work.


You may experience problems with a friend, group or organization. It could be that you are feeling reserved towards them are they may be reserved or cold towards you. It may be a time of endings especially of a friendship or group. You may feel disconnected from them and may find it difficult to relate to them. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next two weeks may bring the ending of a source of income. It could be that you change one job to go into another job. You may sign a contract that rings you more money or it could be that you are negotiating your finances which could eventually bring you more money. Venus opposes the phone loan from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. It could be that you gain through a loan based on the money that you earn. You may also start a job that could bring you future bonuses and commissions. There's a bit of a challenge going on here because I feel that the money you earn is can be based on also what extra money you bring home. You may also feel that obligations are connected to your finances especially if you have to deal with the hefty debt or bill. I feel that the full Moon would be positive for you if you are looking for a new job or trying to find new ways to make more money. On July 18th at 12:15 PM emotions intensify through love, lust, excitement, anger, guilt and resentment. Try to take control of your emotions are you may regret it later on. At 3:51 PM Eastern standard time you're more social and outgoing and seemed to be in a good mood. You may connector communicate with a female at this time. On July 19th you enjoy a quick meal around 4:40 PM Eastern standard. It's also good time for you to complete their projects at home or at work.


On July 13th you can expect to work hard for the money. It seems to be a day full of work projects, task and obligations. You may feel bit reserved towards coworkers and employees. It is a time when you are buckling down in keeping yourself busy. You may feel bit depressed and stressed for taking on too much work or having too many projects due in a short period of time. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your own sign. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention. You will focus on your own wants and needs. It is a time for you to change your appearance or improve your appearance by purchasing a new wardrobe are getting a new haircut or hairstyle. You may have been in the process of losing weight. You are purchasing smaller clothing that makes you look fabulous. It is all about you for the next couple weeks and what will make you happy. Venus opposes the full Moon from your partnership house which means you will have to be working with others or a partner in order to accomplish what you want them out. It could be that you get engaged or get married. It could be that you form a new relationship. There is a sense of changes going on here and it will involve others. Full moons heightened emotions so expect this to be an emotional time for you. You may indulge in love and affection especially toward the partner or a new lover. On July 18th at 3:50 PM Eastern standard time you are in a positive mood to socialize and connect with the people around you. You may receive an e-mail, text or phone call from someone.


The week began by you feeling focus on projects etc. for the future. You may plan a trip or take a trip at this time. It could also be a day of filming criticize and judge by coworkers, employees or even your partner or lover. Your open to taking care of projects and task around home but may also feel depressed and stressed. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to feel tired and sleepy. You want to rest and relax and it would be a great time for you to take a vacation seeking catch up on sleep. It is time for you to retreat or get away from it all. You seek solitude is a time for reflection and to get rid of any issues or problems from your past. Venus oppose the full moon from your 6th house of work, service and health telling me you may need to take work with you wherever you seek time away. It could be that you have to bring work home which could create problems with family members. The next two weeks will help you to get rid of any unhealthy habits including addictions like alcohol, smoking and drugs. It could also help you to get rid of any unhealthy people from your life. It is a time to discard and let go will you don't need in life that can create problems in the future. It's a positive time for you to seek therapy or even receive a facial or massage. On July 18th at 12:17 PM Eastern standard time you are feeling emotions intensify through love, excitement, guilt, jealousy or resentment. Take control of your motions at this time and did not suffocate someone by being to pushy or clingy. At 3:51 PM you are in a positive and social mood. You cannot get along well with others. On July 19th around 4:45 PM Eastern standard time you may be angry towards someone else or a female is angry at you. If you are a female you may be angry towards somebody else. Control your emotions and do not take things personally if they're not aimed at you.


You may have to pay a hefty debt or bill on July 13th or July 14th. It could be that you are paying off a debt or other financial obligation. You may have financial obligations to take care of including credit cards, taxes, loans, child support payments, alimony payments or other financial debt and bills. The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to make new friends and connect with old friends. You may also rekindle old friendships. It is a time for you to get out and socialize. You may host a special event or party or it could be that you are invited to a special event or party. You make new friends and feel that it is time to get out and be part of a group. You may join a group or organization or it could be time for you to leave a group or organization. Venus opposes the full Moon from your fifth house of love and children. It could be that you are forming a love relationship with a friend or a lover acts more like a friend. You may also feel that a friend may connect you to someone special in new for a blind date or just to get out and socialize. You may also have a connection with children and your friends may surround you with their children. I feel that the next two weeks will be a great time for you to expand your horizons with different people and meet new people around you. It is a full Moon which tends to be a motion know and this could be good or bad. You may see a friend move away or relocate because they got a job in another state or country. It is time for you to take notice of your emotions and feelings and see where it leads you. On July 18th at 12:15 PM Eastern standard time you are feeling great emotions of love, excitement, lust, jealousy, resentment and guilt. I would suggest for you to stay calm and do not show highly intense emotions as others may take it the wrong way. At 3:50 PM Eastern standard time you are in a positive mood and will connect well with a female. You may receive a phone call, text or e-mail from a female or it could be you reaching out to someone else. You may experience anger from a female on July 19th at 4:45 PM Eastern standard time. Your also in a bit of a rush and may take care of a quick project at home or run a quick short errand. It will also be a time for you to eat a quick meal or snack.


The Psychic One

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1 comment:

  1. what a amazing wheel! nice post. I've learning what I don't know before. thanks for sharing!
