Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weekly Horoscopes for July 27, 2011-August 2, 2011


On July 27th and July 31st it's time for you to enjoy yourself and receive plenty of praise and attention it's all about you and what you want for yourself. People want to be around you which could bring new friends and opportunities. Venus enters your fifth house of love and children on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It will be a time for you to enjoy entertainment and even go to a bar or club. You are social and outgoing and are open to connecting with the people around you. You also enjoy artistic activities like music, concerts and movies. You also want to be careful on this day as you may view a potential lover or partner in an unrealistic manner which could bring deceit and disappointment later on. You may have a disagreement or argument with someone including a child at this time. Do your best to try to resolve the issues even though it may be difficult to deal with at this time. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 5th house of love, relationships and children. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. Venus and the Sun are both in your 5th house of love and children which brings a great big boost for you. If you are single and want to meet someone new then the next two weeks will be very positive for you to go out on a date and possibly meet your future long-term relationship or partnership. If you are currently in a relationship than this would be the time for you to build a stronger connection and bond with your current lover. Children are also important for you at this time and you will find yourself enjoying the company of children or looking to conceive a child. A baby may be born at this time or you are focused on how to conceive a child at this time. Uranus supports the new Moon from your own sign which can easily give you a great sense of excitement and fun with love and relationships. You're looking to find new ways to connect with someone special in you may even meet them on the Internet. Saturn loves to discipline and the new Moon brings no exception. Saturn disciplines from your partnership house which tells me that if you are in a love relationship it is now time to discuss the future of the relationship. You may also have serious discussions about children or obligations with children. If you are a divorced parent and have to set a schedule to spend time with a child than this would be the time when you seem to be working out all those obligations. It could involve having to make time for a child and that this plan of making time for them and their sports, hobbies and other recreational activities that they may be involved in. The new Moon brings a positive time for you to be able to enjoy spending time with others including family and friends. You are social and outgoing and may even find yourself attending a special event or party. It is a positive new Moon so enjoy it and take advantage of it. Be careful as you may indulge in food, drinks and fun. On August 1st you may find yourself spending lavishly are extravagantly. You want to be careful that you do not spend your money on something that has no value or will serve no purpose for you at the end. It could also be that you find disappointment in others including lovers, partners and children. Try to resolve the issues as much as possible. Difficulties with coworkers and employees may occur at this time to. Mercury retrogrades on August 2nd from your 6th house of work, service and health making the next three weeks a time when you may experience difficulties with computers, office equipment, coworkers, employees, Internet or work projects and tasks. Some projects may need to be revised or repeated all over again.


On July 27th and July 31st your focus will be on new tasks and projects for the future. It could relate to relationships, business or career. You want something new and may find yourself looking on where to find it. It could surround you with different people or different places. You may find yourself on the internet looking for these new opportunities. Venus as enters your fourth house of home on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to decorate, paint or design a home. You may also be looking for a new place to live including a new apartment or new home. You also find yourself entertaining and hosting a party or special event whether it's a big or small event or small group of people. You may experience difficulties or problems with the people you live with on this day. It could be that someone moves in or moves out of the home. It may be a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It is a time of changes around the home which could bring disappointments or great opportunities .The new moon on July 30th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. Venus and the Sun are both supporting the new Moon making this a wonderful time for you to decorate, relocate or even invite people over to your home. Saturn supports the new Moon from your 6th house of work, service and health. It may be that you buy some exercise equipment to exercise the home and to lose weight. You may dedicate a room or area as a gym. It may also be that you create a office space for you to bring work home. You may also work from home and begin a business at home. You may be relocating for your work even if you work from home. Jupiter squares the new Moon from your own sign making this a time for you to indulge in fatty foods, laughter and money. You may be spending more to relocate and expand your resources at this time. It could also be that you are purchasing new furniture or changing the decor in a room or home. There is nothing wrong with you making some changes in your home especially if it's going to make you happy. Starting August 1st you may find yourself spending more than what you can afford. It is a time for you to be careless see want to make sure you try to stick to a budget. Mercury retrogrades starting August 2nd from your fifth house of love and children. The next three weeks may bring someone from your past back into your future. It does not indicate a reconciliation just an opportunity to be able to reconnect. It could be that you also have old issues to discuss with the partner or lover or even with the child. It is time to resolve these issues and move on.


It's time for you to have fun and enjoy yourself with friends especially on July 27th and July 31st. You may connect with new friends and old friends. It is time to socialize and attend a special event or party. It could be that you are putting together a special event or party. Get out there and make new friends and connect with people around you as you never know who you may meet. Venus will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love on the Internet including a dating site or social network. You may also give love and affection to family members and neighbors. You communicate more loving and affectionate towards family, friends, neighbors, cousins and anyone even living or working nearby you. You may also make a purchase of a computer, vehicle, cell phone or telephone. You want to be careful that you do not deceive yourself with others or that you do not lie to others. It could be that they are lying to you and you have to weed out the truth versus the lies. If you're looking to meet someone new on the Internet then take your time to get to know them and make sure you check them out before meeting them. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to take a short trip out-of-town or nearby town. I would be surprised if it ends up being an unexpected short trip as the energy going on around you from Uranus will make you a bit impulsive and eccentric. There is nothing wrong with being spontaneous and taking chances as long as you're not hurting others. Venus supports the new Moon from your third house of short trips and communication which tells me that you may be taking this trip more for leisure or pleasure then for professional or business reasons. Saturn supports the new Moon from your fifth house of love and children. As stated before I feel that this will be a trip for leisure and personal then for professional. There seems to be a sense of duty and obligations connected to this trip. It could be that you are going on the tight schedule or it could be that there is a serious message or concern. You may also see a child go to college or University. It could also be that you are purchasing a new vehicle, computer or other major purchase for a child, partner or lover. I feel that the new Moon is really going to help you improve your communication with others and even build a stronger connection and bond with the people that you care for deeply. If you need to improve communication with the partner or lover to build a stronger relationship then do so at this time as you seem to do well at expressing your words clearly. You also do well in enjoying a nice massage or facial even if you are a man. It is a time for you to have fun and enjoy yourself even if it's for a couple of days. Jupiter will make you a bit extravagant and indulgent so be careful on how you spend financially on this trip or a new cell phone or whatever it is that you're focusing on at this time. You may spend more than what you can afford so be careful. Your also full of fun and laughter so enjoy. On August 2nd Mercury retrogrades from your fourth house of home making the next three weeks a time when you will have to resolve issues relating to the home. It could be that you are relocating, renovating are making changes around the home. If you find yourself moving in to a new place at this time it could be that you find yourself relocating again within the year. I am not saying that it's guaranteed for that to happen but retrogrades tend to bring changes for the future. If you move in to an apartment you may discover during the year that it is not the type of place you want to live in and it will be time to move out. It could also be that you experience problems with roommates, lover, partner, children or your neighbors. Be careful when signing contracts are making any negotiations relating to the home.


Your career is your primary focus on July 27th and July 31st. You may receive a promotion, advancement, recognition or praise for a job well done. It could bring a new job or opportunity. Venus will enter your second house of earned income on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money but you also spend it lavishly. It could be that you feel you are investing your money into a significant and long-term item including a vehicle, home, computer or any other material item that will bring long-term benefits and results. Be careful at this time as you may be feeling a bit tired and confused. You want to make sure you know exactly what is going on around you and know how to manage it. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your second house of earned income. The next two weeks may bring more money for you. It could be a new job offer or job opportunity. It is also a time for you to find new ways to make more money and to build financial security and stability. Venus and Uranus will support the new Moon which can easily bring you a great sense of financial security and stability. If you're getting a new job and leaving your old job it would be to place or job position that will bring you more money. I feel that you will not want to leave an old job unless you know it's going to bring you more money. It could bring a career advancement or promotion. Saturn lays responsibilities and duties on this job. It could be that you have to travel further from home for this job. You may receive a higher authority job position like a supervisor or manager. I feel that this is a very positive new Moon for you as it will easily bring you great opportunities and connections. It would also bring you more financial security and possibly more money. You also want to be careful on August 1st as you may experience problems with friends, groups and organizations. You may indulge in food, drink and money. There may be problems or disagreements with a partner, lover or friend. It could be that issues need to be resolved to move forward. By August 2nd Mercury retrogrades from your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors making the next 3 weeks a time for you to run into problems with a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. There may be problems with siblings, neighbors, internet, emails and text messages. Do not get frustrated but know it's the retrograde cycle creating these issues.


On July 27th and July 31st you seem to be more focused on travel, communication, marketing and education. You may enter college or a University. It could be that you plan a trip or take a trip. It may be that you study and learn a new topic of interest. You seem excited and willing to take chances. Venus enters your own sign on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of attention and even be the center of attention. You will also focus on your own appearance. You may change your hair color or hairstyle. You may also get a new wardrobe or a new tattoo. You seem to be focusing on your own self and what will make you happy. You will receive plenty of praise and attention. You may experience problems with financial obligations associated with taxes, credit cards, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support, alimony or financial or material obligations. Don't spend more than what you can afford. You may be a bit careless with the credit cards so slow down or you may regret your purchase later on. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your own sign. The next two weeks will be all about you. You will receive plenty of praise and attention. You may lose weight and by a new wardrobe. It could be that you get a new haircut or hairstyle. Venus supports the new Moon from your own sign making you the center of attention. Uranus supports the new Moon from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. It is a time for you to broaden your horizons and may even plan a trip or take a trip. Saturn supports the new Moon from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next two weeks may bring a short trip from siblings and neighbors or you may visit family and friends. Jupiter supports the new Moon from your 10th house of career. You may focus on work projects and duties or it could be that you receive praise and recognition. You will be the center attention at work and may receive a promotion or advancement. The new Moon brings great opportunity for you to advance in your professional life and personal life. It is a time for you to expand your own possibilities and focus on what you want to accomplish for yourself. A job opportunity may present itself to you on August 1st. It could be that you are open to new ways to approach your career. You may feel optimistic and confident regarding work projects and opportunities. Mercury retrogrades on August 2nd from your 2nd house of earned which can bring 3 weeks of financial issues and problems. You may have problems with a paycheck or bill.


Financial opportunities may present themselves to you on July 27th and July 31st It may come in the form of a bonus, commission, credit card, loan, child support, alimony or gift or reward. You may gain through a discount or coupon. Opportunities may also present themselves through the internet. Venus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to keep feelings and emotions to yourself. You may hide a love affair. If you are having a secret love affair and I would suggest for you to first analyze why you are reaching out to someone else if you're current partner or lover is not giving you the love and affection you deserve. You want to first communicate with them and let them know that you need there attention or house your love affair will eventually be exposed when Venus retrogrades next year or the next Mercury retrograde. You will also be selfless and giving. You may give more of your time and energy to friends, family, groups and organizations. You want to be careful that you do not get too much of your time or people may take advantage of you. You may experience problems with a partner or lover. Could be deceit or you may deceive others. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to rest and relax and even seek a vacation. It is time for you to retreat and keep to yourself. You may get away from it all by taking a vacation far away to a private island or private resort. You want peace and quiet in the next couple weeks will take you to places where you can receive that amenity. You may give yourself a facial or treat yourself to a massage. You will also seek the glamour and glitz of it all. You may find yourself taking a vacation to places like Las Vegas or New York. You want to just get away from it all so you can keep to yourself and everyone can leave you alone. Venus reports the new Moon from your 12th house making you indulge in the finer things in life. Uranus supports the new Moon from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. You may receive a gift card or reward to treat yourself to some place special. Saturn supports the new Moon from your second house of earned income which could bring a personal gain or a great discount or deal on a vacation. Jupiter is the only sign that squares the new Moon which could bring a sense of indulgence and laughter. You may treat yourself to a lavish meal, facial, massage or hairstyle or haircut. It is now time for you to make it all about you and how you can release anything unhealthy from your life. Mercury retrogrades in your own sign starting August 2nd giving you 3 weeks to revise old issues and problems. It may be tot take care of issues relating to finances, career and personal or professional relationships.


A partner may bring a great connection, bond or love on July 27th and July 31st. You may meet or form a partnerships on these days. The partner may be a lover, spouse, business partner, friend, coworker or employee. You may meet them on the internet or connect with them via emails, text message or phone call. It is a time of opportunities and possibilities. Venus enters your 11th house of friendships on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make new friends and connect with old friends. You are social and outgoing and want to connect with the people around you. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. You find yourself attending special events and parties or it could be you that hosts a special event or party. Get out and socialize and meet new people. You want to be careful as work projects may seem a bit overwhelming at this time. It could also be that you are looking for new work or to work hard to make more money. It may bring a time of confusion but your creativity will shine. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. As you are well aware you will have a few planets including Mercury, Venus and the Sun all in your 11th house of friendships .It is a time for you to socialize and connect with others. You may meet a new friend or connect with old friends. It is time for you to surround yourself with groups and organizations. You may attend a special event or party or could be you that is hosting a special event or party. You may make new friends on social networks or through groups and organizations. It is a time for you to be social and outgoing and make the right impression on others. You may find love among your friends or have a lover to you more like a friend. You would actually feel quite comfortable in groups right now. A friend may connect you to someone special or it could be that you meet someone significant and special at a group or special event. You seem to do well surrounding yourself with friends and family. You enjoy a great connection to others and they enjoy communicating and connecting with you. Saturn supports the new Moon from your own sign telling me that you have a very serious demeanor and presence towards others. Uranus supports the new Moon from your partnership house. You may have a big debt or bill to take care of on August 1st. You want to be careful as you seem to be extravagant or careless with your finances. Mercury retrogrades from your 12th house of secrets and solitude on August 2nd making the next 3 weeks a time to reveal secrets or be open to others on how you feel.


You can expect to work hard for the money on July 27th and July 31st. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Venus will enter your 10th house of career on July 30th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and recognition at work. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. You may receive a promotion or advancement. It is your time to shine with your employers. You may also connect well with employees and coworkers. You may find love at work. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to receive a promotion or advancement. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It is a time for you to attend meetings and interviews. Venus and Uranus supports the new Moon which tells me you can expect to be working hard for the money and to receive plenty of praise and recognition. Saturn also supports the new Moon which tells me that you will be working hard to get projects and tasks done. I feel that this would be a very positive new Moon for you as you will see work obligations and projects increase. You have a lot to take care of and many projects and duties to complete. You are going to feel optimistic and confident about work and completing tasks and projects. You will be the center of attention with other employers, coworkers and employees. It's a very positive new Moon for you to gain in your career. If you are a student then you may complete your studies and receive a degree. A partner may be open to work with you on August 1st. It is a time to compromise but be careful not to make promises you can't keep. It could be they make promises they can't keep. Mercury retrogrades from your 11th house of friendships on August 2nd giving you 3 weeks to run into old friends and to discuss issues with friends, groups and organization.


As you begin the week your focus will turn to love, relationships and children especially on July 27th and July 31st. It is a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You will also be open to activities relating to sports, hobbies and music. You are social and active and want to connect with the people around you. It could even be through a social network. Venus will enter your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel with someone special or you may travel to visit them. It could also be that you will be open to learning something new including music and the arts. You will enjoy spending time with the in-laws and they may come to visit you. It would also be a very positive time for you to expand your horizons and learn something new. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 9th house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to travel long-distance or to have others come to visit you. It is a time for you to explore and enjoy your journeys mentally and physically. You will broaden your horizons mentally and physically. It is a time for you to study and learn new topics of interest in you may even decide to learn of a new foreign language or culture. You would take on a different form of beliefs or will preach your beliefs to others. You want to recognize that everyone has a right to their own personal opinions and you may find yourself being a bit forceful at this time. Saturn supports the new Moon from your 11th house of friendships say could be that you go to visit friends or you may travel with friends. It could be that you travel with a group or organization. It may be that a friend comes to visit you. Venus and Uranus support this new Moon from your 5th house of love and children and your ninth house of long-distance trips, it could be that you travel to visit a lover or child or they may come to see you. It could be that a child is relocating to enter college or University. It may also be that you focus on marketing and promoting a product for a business via the Internet, radio or television. You may publish a work of art or publish music. It may be that you are advertising yourself through major social media or other outlets for the public. It will also be a time for you to reach out to others through communication and to travels. You feel sense of fun and excitement and want to get out and connect with the people around you. On August 1st you are full of fun and laughter. You may indulge in food, drink and money. It could be that you make promises you don't keep. Fun times can pay off. Mercury retrogrades on August 2nd from your 10th house of career giving you 3 weeks to revise projects. You may experience problems with the internet, office equipment or even with coworkers, clients and customers.


The home is your main concern on July 27th and July 31st. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Venus enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to gain financially or materialistically. You may gain through taxes, credit cards, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support, alimony and other debts and rewards. Do not think that you will gain big through the lottery or casino because that needs to be promised in your birth chart. I feel that you can gain through a gift card or a discount or coupon for free food or free items. You may possibly gain through the lottery or casino but it won't be by much the don't bet your rent money on it. You also want to be careful you don't promises you can't keep. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to gain financially or materialistically. You may gain through a bonus, commission, child support, alimony, taxes, credit cards, loans and other joint resources, finances and gains. You may be given a gift cards or reward. You may receive a great discount or gift. It's a very positive time because you will want to spend lavishly or enjoy the finer things in life. The new Moon falls in the sign of Leo which is also the sign of glitz and glamour. If you gain it could be in connection to a lover, child or a material gain. If you gain financially you may decide to purchase something lavishly for yourself or for others. You may take a vacation to a place like Las Vegas or New York. You will want to stay in the most finest places out there. It could be that you get a gift certificate for a spot treatment or facial. You will feel that it is time to treat yourself as you have been treating others and putting others first before you. Venus, Uranus and Saturn all support the new Moon. It is a time for you to gain financially or materialistically either suddenly or unexpectedly. The source may come in an unexpected or unique way. You could just gain by receiving free food from a favorite restaurant. You may have received the gifts through an e-mail or text message. Jupiter squares the new Moon as you can expect that you will indulge and spend. Try to set yourself a budget even though the new Moon might make it difficult for you to do so. You may indulge in love and affection on August 1st. There may be problems with a partner so do your best to work out the issues and problems. It could be that you need to discuss these issues in order to move forward. Mercury retrogrades on August 2nd from your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places making the next 3 weeks a time for you to change travel plans or even take spontaneous trips. You may have to revise a project. Expect the unexpected especially when it comes to the internet, publishing and travel.


Short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors are highlighted on July 27th and July 31st. Communication increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. On July 28th Venus enters your partnership house. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to collaborate and compromise with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there are any issues or concerns than this would be the time to work them out. Financial obligations may occur now that might make you spend more than what you can afford. There may be problems paying some bills or with a paycheck. You want to set a budget as it could be that you are spending more at this time. There may be problems with money or getting a job. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your partnership house. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to meet someone new who could bring you a long-term relationship or form a partnership including business partnership. You may also work closely with others to further your career or personal relationships. If partner can be someone who is a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You could also be working closely with others who can help you further your own personal or professional wants and needs including a therapist, doctor or lawyer. Venus supports the new Moon from your own partnership house which tells me you are willing to work with others to take care of any issues or problems. You are willing to compromise. Uranus will also support the new Moon from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. Communication improves with family and friends and even with partners and lovers. It could be that you are open to communication to work out any issues or problems. I also feel that you may take a short trip with a partner or lover. It's a great time to take a vacation especially if you want to go to a place like Las Vegas or New York. Jupiter will make you indulge financially or materialistically. You are in the mood for a good laugh and to enjoy family and friends. Saturn supports the new Moon from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. If the time to expand your horizons and discover new places. On August 1st your focus turns to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some repairs in the home. There could be issues with the people you live with in the home. Someone may move out of the home. Mercury retrogrades from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on August 2nd. It is a time to take care of issues with taxes, credit cards, loans, tuition, bonuses, commissions, child support, alimony and other debts or financial obligations connected to others. There may be arguments over money.


Financial opportunities may present themselves to you on July 27th and July 31st. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be you find new ways to make money especially through the internet or through a friend. Venus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on July 28th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulge in fatty foods and sweets. If you have been doing your best to lose weight than the next four weeks from Venus may bring difficulties for you to keep the weight down. You will also connect well with female coworkers and employees. You also connect well with female clients and customers. You will enjoy your work environment. You also enjoy the company of pets. You want to be careful around this time as you may deceive yourself or you deceive others. I am not saying you will lie or hurt others feelings but it could be that you are cautious about saying the wrong things to someone for fear of hurting their feelings. You may run into a great deal at this time that can help you to save money. The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money. It could bring new opportunities for you to make more money. You may see an increase of work projects, task and duties that will bring you more money. It's good news if you want to make more money but you will be working harder for it. You may also purchase new office equipment or computer software in order to advance in your career or make your business more productive. It may be a time when you change office space or improve your office space. If you work from home or in an office you may designate a room in your home for you to work and complete work projects. If you work from home you may create a new office space for room. Saturn supports the new Moon from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. It is a time for you to work hard for the money and be very disciplined at taking care of projects and tasks. Venus supports the new Moon from 6th house which will make your workspace pleasant. Uranus supports the new Moon from your second house of earned income which tells me there is a good chance you will be making more money or find yourself busier with task and projects. If you are in a place that provides bonuses and commissions based on the work you create than this could be a very positive time for you to see a bonus or commission. Jupiter squares the new Moon which makes it a time for you to indulge in have a little fun. Your full of fun and laughter and will enjoy your workspace pleasantly. It's great if you want to socialize with your coworkers but it could be that difficult for you to focus on your work projects. I feel that you will have plenty to do you will want to socialize during time of work. Have a little fun at work or do not get carried away. You want to be careful on August 1st as you may indulge in food and money. It could be that you make a purchase in relation to communication including a computer, vehicle, cell phone, telephone or even a flight or short trip. Mercury retrogrades from your partnership house on August 2nd giving you about 3 weeks to work with others and discuss issues and problems with a partner. You may discuss old issues with a partner. Time to compromise.


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