The new moon Solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. An eclipse has cosmic energy to last up to six months. The next six months will bring a time for you to work hard for the money and for you to focus on taking care of your health. You will run into more task and duties at work and may even find yourself working harder for the same pay. If you run your own business then this could bring good news as you will see your business grow. You could be taking care of more task and duties and see more money coming in but it also help your business grow. Your health will also be another concern. The next six months will bring a time for you to lose weight and eat healthy. You will also focus on your health by going to the doctor to receive routine checkups and exams. You may purchase a pet in the next six months and you may find yourself taking the pet to the veterinarian. If it is a young puppy you will spend quality time taking it to the veterinarian and for obedience training. It may be that you have to take a pet you already own for its routine checkups and exams. I feel that the next six months will be a positive time for you to complete work projects and tasks and for you to advance in your career. The hard work will pay itself off but it seems to come at a price.
Mercury enters your partnership house on July 1st. The next three weeks will bring a time for you to communicate openly with the partner. If there are any issues or concerns then the next few weeks will be a positive time for you to work out any issues or problems. Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulgent fatty foods and sweets. It is not good news if you are trying to lose weight as you will find yourself eating the fattiest foods and the sweetest things out there including candy and soft drinks. You will connect well with coworkers and employees. You will connect well with female coworkers and clients and customers. You enjoy the company of pets. On July 28th Venus enters your partnership house. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to collaborate and compromise with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there are any issues or concerns than this would be the time to work them out. The Sun enters your partnership house on July 22nd so expect 4 weeks to work with others for personal or professional reasons.
Finances are highlighted for you on July 2, 4, 22nd and 28th. You want to be careful as I feel most of these dates tell me that you will spend more than save. The only date that I like for your finances is July 4th. I feel that they could bring you a job offer or opportunity or a new way to make money. All other dates seem to indicate that you will spend lavishly or excessively. You may be careless with your finances so be careful.
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The full Moon on July 15th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to feel tired and sleepy. You want to rest and relax and it would be a great time for you to take a vacation seeking catch up on sleep. It is time for you to retreat or get away from it all. You seek solitude is a time for reflection and to get rid of any issues or problems from your past. Venus oppose the full moon from your 6th house of work, service and health telling me you may need to take work with you wherever you seek time away. It could be that you have to bring work home which could create problems with family members. The next two weeks will help you to get rid of any unhealthy habits including addictions like alcohol, smoking and drugs. It could also help you to get rid of any unhealthy people from your life. It is a time to discard and let go will you don't need in life that can create problems in the future. It's a positive time for you to seek therapy or even receive a facial or massage.
You will also seek solitude on July 5th and July 8th. It may be a time for you to take a vacation or seek therapy. It could be that you seek some time to yourself to write a book or music.
Is time for you to take a short trip and get out of town on July 4, 7, 27th and 31st. You may take an unexpected short trip out-of-town or nearby town. Communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may also purchase a new computer, vehicle, cell phone, telephone or any other communication gadget. You find yourself being more social and talkative to siblings, neighbors, cousins, aunts and uncles
The new Moon on July 30th will fall in your partnership house. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to meet someone new who could bring you a long-term relationship or form a partnership including business partnership. You may also work closely with others to further your career or personal relationships. If partner can be someone who is a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You could also be working closely with others who can help you further your own personal or professional wants and needs including a therapist, doctor or lawyer. Venus supports the new Moon from your own partnership house which tells me you are willing to work with others to take care of any issues or problems. You are willing to compromise. Uranus will also support the new Moon from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. Communication improves with family and friends and even with partners and lovers. It could be that you are open to communication to work out any issues or problems. I also feel that you may take a short trip with a partner or lover. It's a great time to take a vacation especially if you want to go to a place like Las Vegas or New York. Jupiter will make you indulge financially or materialistically. You are in the mood for a good laugh and to enjoy family and friends. Saturn supports the new Moon from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. If the time to expand your horizons and discover new places. I feel that overall this is a positive new Moon for you especially if you need to work out any issues or problems with a partner.
Long-distance travel is highlighted for you on July 2, 5, 9th and 13th. You may take a long-distance trip to visit family and friends or to visit a foreign land or culture. You may study and learn a new foreign language or culture. It is time for you to broaden your horizons mentally or physically. You may enter college or University. Could be a time for you to market or promote a product via the Internet, radio and television. Learn about new places and you never know what you may discover in the process. Enjoy.
June 2011
One of the main concerns that you will have this month will relate to the home. It could be that you have to relocate to a place that will be more costly and expensive. Another major concern throughout this month will relate to love and relationships. It may be time for you to open the door to dating and finding someone new or it could be that you build a stronger relationship with someone currently in your life. It may also be time for you to spend time with children or conceive a child. There will be plenty of cause negativity going on throughout this month suddenly begin right away by talking about the new Moon eclipse on June 1st.
The new Moon solar eclipse on June 1st will fall in your 5th house of love and children. An eclipse has cosmic power to last up to six months. The next six months will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It could also be a time for you to get involved in sports, hobbies and other recreational activities. It may include music, dancing, singing and other artistic projects. If you are single and want to open the door to someone special in then next six months will be perfect for you to find love and fall in love. If you're currently involved with someone then it may be time for you to build a stronger relationship and connection with this individual. Saturn will connect strongly with the new Moon eclipse and the Sun which tells me that you have the door very much open to relating to someone. You want to feel part of something either with someone or a group. It can happen in a few different ways. For one you may be open to finding love and spending your life with someone special. It also could be that you want to be part of a group connected to a sport or hobby. If children are involved you may find yourself volunteering in their group activities and sports. If you have been alienating yourself from your own children then this could be a great time for you to build a stronger bond in connection with them. You will also find yourself listening to music or being part of artistic projects and crafts. It is also a time for you to be social and outgoing and you may find yourself in bars and clubs. Do not be afraid to spread your wings and put yourself out there to meet someone new. It is a time for you to take chances and take the gamble at love and relationships. You may even be open to taking a gamble at the casinos even though there is no guarantee that you will win big. Uranus will support this eclipse from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may find yourself building a stronger bond and connection to a neighbor or siblings children. You may find love on the Internet or find yourself connecting and communicating with a lover or spouse through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. It would be the perfect time for you to work out any issues or problems to open communication. You will be able to build a stronger relationship in the process.
Mercury will enter your 5th house of love and children on June 2nd. The next three weeks will be a time for you to have open communication with a lover or child. You may also act like a kid and play children games. You may also play the game of love. Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health giving you a few weeks to focus on work projects, task, duties and obligations. You have the patience to take care of tedious projects and details. You may also focus on taking care of your health or someone else's health. The Sun will enter your 6th house on June 21st giving you four weeks to work hard for the money and have a busier schedule. You may also lose weight through exercise and eating healthy.
Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children on June 9th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. You may also find yourself enjoying music and attending a concert. It is time for you to be social and outgoing as you may also indulge in food and drink.
Mars will enter your 5th house of love and children on June 20th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. I know I sound like a broken record but that is only because there is so many planets falling in your fifth house right now and will continue on throughout the month of June. You have so many opportunities this month find love and fall in love. If you are single and dating there is no excuse for you to meet someone new. If you want to get out there and be social then it one not be difficult for you to go to a place nearby and meet new people. Even if you are social and wanting to connect with friends and family it will not be difficult for you to do at this time. It will also be a great time for you to connect with children and get involved in sports and hobbies or activities with children. You want to feel part of a group or organization in this would be a great time to do so. There may be arguments with a lover or child. You want to be careful as this can create problems with a lover or child and could bring the ending of a relationship. I hope that you have been able to do work out the issues and problems so you can move on and build a stronger relationship.
Is Love Promised in Your Chart?
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Jupiter will enter your fourth house of home on June 4th. The next 12 months will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make repairs and changes around the home. It will also be a time when you may decide to move into a bigger home or apartment. You may also decide to move into a more expensive home or apartment. The one thing that you will notice that you will be happier in the home. It could be because the environment you are in is pleasant and comfortable. If you are in the same neighborhood being you may just be content with the home because of new renovations or an expansion. If you're not relocating then there may be improvements or changes in your current home that help to make things pleasant for you. Renovations that take place at this time may be expensive but will bring positive results. It may also be that you focus on the care of a parent or parents. You may feel that you are obligated to take care of them and to look out for the well-being. It could be health related issues or it could be that they need a place to live. There are a few different reasons behind why you may have to look after a parent but at the end you will feel that you are making a difference for them. Any change that occurs at this time will bring positive results.
Neptune will retrograde from your 2nd house of earned income on June 3rd. The next few months will bring a time for you to be careless with your finances or you may impulsively spend. You may run into debts that you cannot pay at this time or rack up the credit cards because you feel confident that you will be able to pay them off. You are not seeing your finances in a realistic way this can create confusion and difficulties. Try to set a budget and save for the future. Saturn will go direct on June 12th from your ninth house of travel and foreign people and places. You may finally be able to plan trips for vacation or to visit family and friends. It may be easier for you to enter college or University. You may also be able to market and promote a product. It is time for you to plan for the future and say your career goals and tasks. You will feel a greater sense of confidence that you can accomplish anything that comes your way.
Finances look positive for you on June 3, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 21st and 22nd. I feel all of these dates can easily bring you a job opportunity or offer. It can also bring you a way to make more money or find financial security. The only dates that concern me are June 3rd and June 10th. On these two dates you may actually find yourself spending impulsively or lavishly. It could be to pay off some bills. As long as you can set a budget then you will be fine financially.
It's time for you to get rid of you don't need in your life especially on June 5, 14th and 19th. You may have to deal with an illness or your emotional well-being. It is time for you to get rid of what you don't need in your life including unhealthy habits and people. A great day to exercise and lose weight. If you have been feeling ill then it may be wise to go to the doctor to take care of your illness.
Short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors are your concern and priority on June 4, 12, 18, 26th and 27th. You may take a short sudden trip to visit friends and family. It could be that others come to visit you. Communication may increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may also purchase a computer, cell phone or telephone. It may be that you also purchase a new vehicle. Be aware that on June 18th and June 26th you may experience the breakdown of a vehicle or electrical item. Maybe time to take it for repair or to replace it.
The full Moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next six months or bring a time for you to focus on your concern over friends, groups and organizations. It could be that you end a friendship or and your connection to a group or organization. If you decide to and a friendship then it is because the two of you have grown apart or view things differently from each other. It will also be a time when you may find yourself connecting to people from your past including friends and groups. I am unsure exactly what is going on I can only describe the possibilities of what is going on at this time. Saturn and Venus connect well during this full Moon eclipse as a can easily create stability and security among friends, groups and organizations. You may begin to see your friends in different light. It could be that you start to have a different view of what of friend is to you. You may also discuss any issues or problems with a friend or group. There is a sense of maturity in you or it could be that you reach out to an individual or group to help you advance in your career finances. You may work with a marketing team to promote your product. It could be that you work alongside others or an individual to help you advance in your career, finances or business. There is a sense of stability and security with others and it will help you to advance, prosper and grow as a person. Mercury will oppose the eclipse from your 5th house love and children. There may be some differences of opinions with others including the lover or child. It may also be that you reach out to this individual as a way to improve yourself and others around you. Communication will also be a concern and priority and it will help you to connect well with friends and groups. The eclipse will fall in the sign of Sagittarius which is the sign that likes to be mobile and outgoing. You may surround yourself with people who are optimistic, adventurous and have a great sense of humor. These are the people that will also help you to make you feel good about yourself and build great stability and security. And ending to any friendship is only because you don't need them in your life.
It will be a very interesting month for you. It will give you the opportunity to find love and fall in love. It would also help you to enjoy time with children or to even conceive a child. Friendships will also be highlighted this month as you may end of friendship or be part of a group. You want to be outgoing and social this month as it is not the time for you to be alone. Have fun.
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