Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weekly Horoscopes for October 6, 2010-October 12, 2010


As you begin the week the new moon on October 7th will fall in your partnership house. The next couple weeks will all be focused on the partner. It could be a business or professional partner or it could be someone on a personal level like a spouse, lover or friend. The new moon brings two weeks of love, compassion, affection and respect. You may form a new partnership to start a business. It could be that you are working closely with someone to build on a project at work. You may meet someone new to fall in love and marry. It could be that you work with a friend to build a project or business venture. It's time to get out and date and meet someone new to build a connection with and possible new friendship. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn all support this new moon. Saturn will bring stability and long term security with this individual. You may form a bond with a partner who is older and wiser. It could be that this person or entity will work with you for financial security. They may be an accountant, advisor, counselor or lawyer. Venus will begin to retrograde on October 8th from your house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next 7 weeks will bring a time when you may have to foresee your financial obligations especially in relation to taxes, credit and loans. There could be problems with child support, alimony and other debts. Click here to read more about Venus retrograde. On October 10th and 11th will bring a couple of days when you will connect with family and friends. You are social and outgoing. It's also a time to send love even though I feel any communication now will be more about finances and debts.


The new moon on October 7th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money and work towards daily tasks and projects. You will also be able to take care of duties and obligations around the home and at work. Pets will also be a primary concern too. Saturn will support this new moon making this a time when you are getting down to business and taking care of all the responsibilities needed to get the work done. You may focus on your health or the health of a pet. It could be that you are exercising and eating healthy. You will most likely see results. Take care of your body by getting routine checkups and take those supplements. You may also decorate, craft, sew, knit or paint. You will love the results. You could also get a new pet. Venus will retrograde in your partnership house. The next 7 weeks may bring problems with a partner. You may connect well with your partner. It all just depends what has been going on with the relationship or partnership. You may have to discuss important issues that are affecting the relationship. I will warn you that this could bring the ending of a relationship or partnership. Click here to read how the Venus retrograde will actually affect you. On October 10, 11 and 12th will be a wonderful time to communicate and work out any issues or problems with someone close to you.


Your week will begin with a new moon falling in your 5th house of love. Children and creative projects will also be highlighted. The next couple weeks could bring someone to fall in love or to spend some time with them. You may spend time with children or hear news of a baby on the way. The 5th house also rules creative projects including music, art, drawing and painting. It could really heighten your artistic side. You may be creative in theater and singing. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn all support this new moon making this a time when you will receive stability and security. The security may come from someone who will come into your life that is older and wiser. They could be more of a mentor and guide for you. You may fall in love or find love at this time. Venus will retrograde on October 8th from your 6th house of work, service and health. There could be some health problems or issues relating to the digestive system or even the reproductive system too. You may not do well in losing weight. It could also affect your work projects and assignments. Pets will also be affected as they may need your guide and assistance. You may have problems with coworkers and employees. Click here to read more about the Venus retrograde. By October 10th through October 12th you are focused more on taking care of work obligations and projects. You seem to be patient and understanding towards others including clients and customers.


As you begin the week the first major highlight of the week will be the new moon on October 7th falling in your 4th house of home. You are a big one about the home now having a new moon in your house of home will just triple the effects. The next couple weeks may bring a time to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone is moving in with you. It could be a new roommate, relative or partner. You may decide to decorate the home or a room. The new moon falls in the sign of Libra, the sign of beauty. It's a time when you will want to paint, decorate and design the home. Go for it. You will be impressed with the results. You may also buy a home or rent a new place to live. Venus will retrograde on October 8th from your 5th house of love and children. A Venus retrograde in the house of love concerns me. Venus in the 5th house brings love and admiration. Once it retrogrades it can take that all away. It could bring the ending of a relationship. It may be that there are problems with a lover or partner. You may have problems with children. Love and relationship may suffer but it only depends if the relationship was already falling apart. The retrograde will only heighten the problem ten times more. Discuss the issues and try to resolve them if possible, Click here to read more about Venus retrograde. On October 10th and 11th you will give love and affection to those close to you including a partner, lover or child. Pets are also in need of love especially if you treat them more like your children. Take time to also send a love note to someone special. They will appreciate it.


It's going to be a highly active week for you when the new moon enters your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks seem to bring a time when you may take a sudden short trip. It could also be that you are traveling to spend time with someone special or to travel for love. Your communication will improve and increase via emails. Text messages and phone calls. You are busy communicating and connecting with everyone around you. You may purchase a new computer, vehicle or cell phone. You want to connect with the people around you and see what has been going on with them. You are social and outgoing. You may look for love on the internet or through a partnership. Your contacts will relate to someone else. It could be that you are in a compromising mood and willing to work on personal issues. Saturn supports this new moon making this a time when conversations take on a serious tone. You may make a long term investment. Venus will retrograde on October 8th from your 4th house of home. There may be issues relating to the home. You may get rid of some items in the home. it could be a roommate moves out or you need to relocate for a job or because of some debts. Click here to read more about the Venus retrograde and how it can affect you. By October 10th and 11th you are social and focused on connecting with the people around you. You are communicating and talking to everyone. Get out and connect with family and friends. You will be surprised at how much they are willing to take the time for you. You may also take a trip out of town or to meet up with friends and family for dinner or lunch. It's a very social active week and will be amazed by the people who want to connect with you. I feel that you should take the opportunity to compromise and work out any issues or problems with the people closest to you.


As you begin the week on October 7th the new moon will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next couple weeks could easily bring you more money or more financial opportunities. You will be open to new opportunities that bring greater financial security especially since Saturn will support this new moon. You will make long term financial plans. It could be that you are budgeting and saving for the future. You are more serious and direct about how you want to have financial success. I feel that this will be the time for you to take on a budget and save for the future. You will eventually have more money at the end but you have to start saving somewhere. Financial security may come in your investing in valuable items. You may purchase a home or vehicle. Some items could lose value but they are with you for many years in the future. Saturn will make you plan and think for the long haul. Venus will retrograde on October 8th from your third house of short trips, communication, sibling and neighbors. The next 7 weeks will make you take a closer look at how you connect and communicate with others including your siblings and neighbors. There may be problems with your neighbors. There could be a disagreement with a sibling. You may run into vehicle or computer repairs. If something breaks down then it’s time to have it replaced. I highly suggest not to make a major purchase now or else you will later regret or return it. Wait it out about 7 weeks to make a major purchase unless it's completely necessary. Click here and read more about Venus retrograde and how it can affect you financially. On October 10th through October 12th your communication seems more introverted. You will do plenty of thinking but keep feelings to yourself. Try to connect with others even though right now you may be open to connecting with them privately.


As the star of the month you seem to be shining bright. The new moon on October 7th will fall in your own sign. The next couple weeks will bring great attention and admiration in your direction. You will feel like the center of attention. It's actually the right time to lose weight as Saturn will really discipline you. You will take care of business and you seem to make a wonderful presentation and appearance to others. I feel that you will be able to take care of what matters most to you. The big one being your own looks and appearance. You may lose weight and have to buy smaller size clothing. You may decide to try a new haircut or wardrobe. I did want to mention quickly that you are entering a Venus retrograde and I always suggest not to get a new haircut unless you know what you are doing. Many times I have seen people trying something new then later regretting it or being completely disappointed with it. I suggest to wait it out a little longer or stick with what you know best. Do not get too adventurous right now because you won't be happy with the results. Venus will retrograde on October 8th from your 2nd house of earned income. You may have problems with the money earned and the money you need to spend towards bills or debts. Venus in the 2nd house brings you money but you also will spend it lavishly. I also feel that this could be a time when you may a big purchase and the problems arise from repairs or other issues that are dissatisfying to you. You seem to be open to trying new things but right now may not be the best time to do so. Venus affects you deeply because Venus is your ruling planet. Click here to read more about this Venus retrograde and how it will affect your sun sign. On October 10th and 11th you seem to be more outgoing and social. You are connecting with words of love and compassion to the people around you. A great time to send a love note or a nice text message to a friend. lover, partner or someone special to you.


It's going to be quite an interesting week for you. The new moon on October 7th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks will bring a time to rest and relax. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn all seem to greatly support this new moon so you are feeling positive at this time. You may decide to retreat and relax. A great time for a vacation or to get away from it all. If you can take time for yourself and just relax you will feel alive and motivated to get projects done. You may seek solitude to get projects done around the home or for work. Therapy of all sorts is highlighted. You may get a massage or go to counseling. You will get rid of what you don't need in your life including people and bad habits. The bad habits could be drinking, smoking or drugs. On October 8th Venus will retrograde in your own sign. The next 7 weeks will really make you take a closer look at yourself. Do not try to get any cosmetic surgery done to yourself or else the results may not be pleasant. It could be that you are feeling a bit daring and want to get plastic surgery. Do not make any major cosmetic surgery when Venus retrograde occurs. It won't be pleasant for you or you may regret the decision later on. It could be that you are looking to change a little of yourself by buying some new clothes. For once get out of your comfort zone and do something different. You may be pleased with the results. On October 10th and 11th you will write, think and read and keep to yourself. You seem to be taking time for yourself and feeling comfortable just being alone. It may be that you spend time with others but you seem to have quiet time to yourself. Watching a movie or just reading a book can bring peace and tranquility. Enjoy.


The week begins with the new moon on October 7th in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks you will see an increase of friends or old friends wanting to connect with you. You are social and outgoing. It's a wonderful time to connect with the people you've had a long history with as they are open to making time for you. I feel the next couple weeks could bring you an older wiser friend including someone who could become a mentor to you. You seem to also have serious discussions with friends. It may be that they have a concern or you may bring up some personal issues to them. Saturn brings great support and security from others to you. You may receive a special invite to a party or other event. It could bring referrals and connections too. Venus will retrograde on October 8h from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 7 weeks will really make you take a closer look at your feelings and emotions towards others. You may suppress your feelings from others or even hide secrets from them. It could also expose a hidden affair. You may be more open to tell others how you feel. Click here to read more about Venus retrograde. On October 10th through October 12th it will make you feel communicate and connect with friends and family. I feel that this could be a great time communicate via text, emails and phone calls with friends. You may send out invites for a Halloween party or other special event. Reach out to friends. You would be surprised at how much they will appreciate your kind words.


The week will be filled with activity connected to the home and your career. The new moon on October 7th will fall in your career house. The next couple weeks will open the door for you to receive a promotion, advancement or start a business venture. You may receive a raise, bonus or commission. It seems to be a great time for you to connect and communicate with employers and employees. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn all are connecting well with this new moon. A job that comes to you will bring long term results and future opportunities for growth and advancements. I feel that this new moon will help you to get a job or advance in your current job. Venus will retrograde on October 8th from your 11th house of friendships. You may lose a friend over a argument or disagreement. It could be that significant changes need to occur in order to restore the friendship. You will also be open to new changes among the people you hang out with. It could create problems with groups, organizations and even some family members. Click here to read more about Venus retrograde. On October 10th and 11th your career takes priority. You will focus on getting work projects done. Great day for an interview or to submit your resume or application. Emails and phone calls bring great results and connections. I feel this will be a time when you reach out to coworkers, employers and employees.


It's going to be a week when you will really be taking your main concern to the future and what you want to accomplish in the future. The new moon on October 7th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks may take you far away to another state or country. You want to travel whether it's mentally or physically. It's time to broaden your horizons and explore new places and territory. You want to study and learn. It’s a great time to go back to school or even take a cooking class or even a sewing class. The Su, Mercury and Saturn all seem to be supporting this new moon. Saturn will really bring some discipline and structure to you. It could be the structure of education and to build long term talents and skills. Expend your horizons. Venus will retrograde in your career house for the next 7 weeks. You may make some changes in your career. It could be that you are changing your career field or maybe you decide to enter college. You may future plans for your career. I feel this is the time for you to take classes and to plan future education. Venus retrograde could bring problems with your coworkers and employers. Click here to read more about Venus retrograde in your career house. On October 10th and 11th you seem to be connecting and communicating with friends, family and even the in-laws. You are making more plans to take a trip or you may take a trip at this time. A nice phone or email can go a long way for a friend or family member whom you've lost contact with for a long time.


As you begin the week you will take focus on your finances. It is the finances relating to taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony and even court settlements. The new moon on October 7th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. As you are aware Mercury and the Sun are already in this same house. The next couple weeks will bring a bit of luck with loans, credit, taxes, settlements, child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions. You may gain financially through one of these sources. You may see a gain through an investment, reward, raffle, lottery or contest. I will warn you do not bet the rent money on the casino slot machines or lottery tickets because it much be promised in the natal. The new moon helps to improve your chances but DOES NOT guarantee results. You will also focus on taking care of financial obligations including bills and debts. You may get ahead financially and seem to have everything straightened out financially. The 8th house also rules surgery or discarding what you don't need in your life. It will help you to take care better care of yourself. Saturn will support this new moon helping you to build long term financial stability and security. Venus will retrograde from your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 7 weeks while Venus is retrograding could bring a time for you to take frequent trips. You may make long distance plans. It may relate to relatives and friends. You may hear news from a lover of your past who lives or lived a long distance from you. You may have to cancel some trips. You may find yourself marketing and promoting products on the internet, radio or television. On October 10, 11 and 12th you will deal with issues regarding with finances, savings, retirement and other financial obligations and duties. You will pay off some bills and debts or get ahead in your finances by budgeting and saving.


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