Friday, October 8, 2010

In his 20's and he's still single

If your dating someone who is in their 20's, even if you are in your 20's also, and he still hasn't settled down its most likely because he is still trying to see if the grass is greener on the other side. Many guys in their 20's want to just date women and be open to having relationship but not thinking about getting married. I have noticed that when men experience at Saturn return, which comes around age 27-28, they tend to settle down and seek marriage. if a man is ready to marry he will be so starting at the age of 27. I feel that men are still looking to date women and see if they can meet someone that they can have a happy relationship. They will most likely be open to getting married but not necessarily with you. They will eventually want to marry and if it is with you may settle down and marry after the age of 27.

Men in their 20's also want to enjoy their freedom and independence. They want to spend time with friends and hang out with people they care about. If you are dating someone who is in their 20's they are open to being careless with themselves. This includes their own sexuality and even with the people they spend time with. You may notice these guys wanting to party with an odd crowd or group of individuals. They will rebel against what they grew up with...their parents. Remember guys in their 20's do not want to date their mother who will scold them and tell they they cannot hang out with their friends. They are now on their own living single and ready to free themselves from those restrictions.

If you are in your 20's and looking to date someone in your own age group just remember that your guy may be one to settle down and marry or who will still want to be single and available for the next best thing. Do not feel bad if you think that a guy you are interested in may only want to be with you for sexual reasons. He will most likely want to date you and have a relationship with you but will need time before wanting to settle down and marry.

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