October 27th will give you a day to discuss any issues or problems with a partner, friend or coworker. You may work out personal or professional issues. Mars will finally move away from your 8th house and into your 9th house of long distance travel, foreign people and places on October 28th. The next 7 weeks will increase your opportunity to travel. You may travel to foreign places. It could be that you have family and friends come to visit you. Different cultures and languages catch your attention. You may study and learn in a university or college. It does not have to be you learning in higher education but you may decide to take on a class or two for cooking, real estate, sewing or the arts. Spread your wings and make a new discovery. Do not limit yourself as you could be missing out on so much. Open the door to expand your horizons. Read and learn something new. Be careful not to force your beliefs to others. On November 1st and 2nd your career is highlighted. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. A career advancement may come your way. It could be a promotion or business venture. You may receive a financial gain. Doors open for you so take advantage of opportunity this week.
Work projects are your primary focus on October 27th. You may have an increase of work projects and assignments that require patience and attention to tedious details. Opportunities to make more money easily come your way. Your health also improves by losing weight and eating healthy. Mars will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on October 28th. The next 7 weeks can bring about some problems with credit, loans, joint resources, money and assets. You may be going through some legal problems or going through a divorce or breakup. Financially it could be a time when you spend freely and carelessly. If you have the money to spend then that is one thing. If you don't have money to spend then you will find yourself racking up the credit cards. There could be problems with your credit report so if you can I suggest to check your credit report for any errors. You may feel that it's time to handle your finances differently by paying some bills or looking into a retirement fund. You may learn new ways to invest and save. I think it's a great idea to plan for the future, as you never know when you may need that nest egg. From October 31st through November 2nd you may spend time on your education, marketing, publishing, family or even taking a trip. It's time to get out and travel, plan a vacation or plan for family to come visit you. Marketing and publishing is also highlighted. You may promote a product on the internet, radio or television. Get out and explore new possibilities. You never know what you may run into.
It's about love, children, sports and hobbies on October 27th. You may spend a great amount of time on someone special or with children. it's a time to enjoy sports or a hobby. Mars will enter your partnership house on October 28th. The next 7 weeks will be all about the partner. The partner may be someone professional like a boss, coworker, employee, employer, company, entity or business partner. It can be someone personal like a friend, spouse, lover or relative. You may build a partnership or work closely with someone else for several different reasons. It could be that in the next 7 weeks you meet someone special to build a loving relationship. You may work with someone to build a business. It’s about collaborating with others so that you can create. You may argue with a partner. The partnership may bring an ending, breakup or distance between you and someone else. If you can work out the issues and problems that would be great. You can avoid something worse happening to the relationship. On October 31st through November 2nd you are focusing your time and effort on finances. These finances are related to taxes, credit, loans, child support and settlements. You may receive a bonus or commission. It can easily bring financial or material gains or opportunities too.
You seem to be focused on the home on October 27th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Mars will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on October 28th giving you 7 weeks to work hard for the money and focus on your health. The next 7 weeks will make you work longer hours or even invest more time with work projects. Your health will also take on greater concern and priorities. You will exercise and lose weight. You will also eat healthier too. Pets are also highlighted. You may focus on the health of a pet. You may get a new pet and see an increase of energy and activities with pets. When I got a new dog I found myself highly active from taking more frequent walks to exercising the dog by having her play games like fetch. It could easily be an active time for you when you are running around yourself or being active with animals and pets. On November 1st and 2nd you are spending time with a partner or discussing important issues with a coworker, friend or lover. It's time to work the problems out or get rid of what you don't need in your life. You may also spend more time with a doctor, lawyer or friend.
On October 27th your focus turns to travel, writing, communication and siblings. You will see that this is the time to take a quick short trip or even increase communication with family and friends. You may invest in a computer, vehicle or phone. Mars will enter your 5th house of love, children and creative projects on October 28th. The next 7 weeks will bring a time when you may pursue love, fall in love or find love. Activities extend with children. You may spend quality time with children by joining them in sports and hobbies. It could be a recreational activity including music, theater, and the arts. Children may bring some difficulties on you including arguing with you. They may have problems at school or with other children. You will be also very active and energetic. Exercise and activities are heightened. A great time to keep yourself busy with projects, music and even with sports. November 1st and 2nd brings and increase of work, service and the focus on health. You will work hard for the money but also see your health improve. You seem to be taking care of obligations, projects and assignments but will see positive results. It will also be easier to lose weight or start a health regimen. Pets may also need attention too and possibly with their health.
Finances are your concern on October 27th. You may receive an increase in your finances or get a new job. A great day to budget and save. Mars will enter your 4th house of home on October 28th. The next 7 weeks may bring a relocation, renovation or changes around the home. The next 7 weeks will give you the opportunity to take care of obligations relating to the home. You may relocate for your job or you may move because it's a cheaper place to live. It's also time to clean out the closets and garage. You may clean to get rid of what you don't need in your life especially old clothes and junk that has collected in the garage or rooms. Have a garage sale and make a little money at the same time. Mars in the 4th house also represents endings. It could be the ending of a home or area of living. It may also be the ending of a relationship. If a relationship ends it is because it was already falling apart. Endings occur for a reason. It could also be that arguments increase in the home. It could be with a spouse, lover, partner or a roommate. I'm unsure of compromise is reasonable at this time but if you can compromise it can help big time. If there are issues that can be worked out then do so to avoid future issues and problems. On November 2nd and 2nd you are open to love. You may find love, fall in love or even spend time with children. Children bring happiness. Sports and hobbies can also grab your attention. You may be involved in sports or start a new hobby.
It's all about you on October 27th. It would be that you are taking care of your health or you take concern on education and work. You may receive a new job or financial opportunity. Mars will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 7 weeks will give you the time to take a few short trips. Communication also seems to be heightened with emails, text messages and phone calls. That could work well for you if you are an independent contractor and you are looking to increase sales. I also feel that your communication with others can be harsh and maybe sometimes brutal. It's ok to tell the truth but don't make things so harsh that it hurts the other person's feelings. Be careful when driving because you may rush through traffic and even cause an accident. Take your time or leave early to get to your destination on time. It could be the time when you purchase a vehicle, computer or cell phone. Venus will be retrograding so make sure the purchase is the right one or else you may regret it. By November 1st and November 2nd you seem to be focused on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be someone moving in or out of the home. It's time to decorate or paint a room or even buy some new furniture.
It's time to seek solitude and time away from others. On October 27th there is a part of you that needs to change or let go of your past. You need to close one chapter of your life to move onto the next chapter of your life. Today may just be that day. Mars will enter your 2nd house of earned income on October 28th bringing you 7 weeks to focus on the money. You may make more money or find a job that brings you more money. It could be a new job or a second job. There will be arguments over money. It could come from a partner, employer or friends. You may not receive a full paycheck or find errors in your check. You will also be very creative and find new ways to make more money. You may have to take care of debts and bills. It could be you pay off a bill or debt. It's time to look over the finances and begin to set a budget. You may feel a bit drained from working too much or having to do too much work. Take control of the finances so you can get ahead. From October 31st through November 2nd you may take a short trip to visit family and friends. It could be that your communication with others increases via the Internet, emails, text messages or phone calls. Reach out to loved one's and let them know you are in tune with them. A great time to find love on the Internet. You never know you may just meet a new friend. Enjoy.
The week begins with you spending time with friends. You may have a serious discussion with a friend. It's also a time to plan or attend a party or special event. Mars will enter your own sign on October 28th. The next 7 weeks will be all about you. You will be full of energy and active. It's great if you want to exercise and lose weight. You seem to have more projects going and you complete projects and assignments on time. I feel that this is the right time to get out and around town. You will be open to taking walks or even socializing with family and friends. You are all out there and connecting with everyone. If you need to exercise then the next 7 weeks will bring great results for you. October 31st through November 2nd will bring luck and opportunities with finances. You may receive a job opportunity or offer. It could be that you work hard for the money. Expect to keep yourself busy and full of energy to get projects done. Good luck.
It's going to be a busy day on October 27th. You work hard for the money but expect many obligations at work. You may receive a promotion or offer. Mars will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on October 28th. The next 7 weeks will really make you focus on your health and well-being. You may decide to go to the doctor to get a routine checkup. It could be that you need to take care of your health by resting and relaxing. You may have to go to the hospital or you visit others in the hospital. You will find out if there are any ailments that need to be taken care of. Get rid of bad energy and karma by cleansing the negativity in your life. It could be someone or something. This may come through therapy or seeking rehab. In the next 7 weeks you will be able to clear away from your life what is not needed anymore for you and you can be a happier self. On November 1st and November 2nd you are full of life and happiness. It is your day to take care of projects. You are ambitious, motivated and active. Be careful or you may feel ill or drained out.
Travel may be on your mind on October 27th. You may travel physically or mentally. A great day to read a book or learn something new. Publishing and marketing is highlighted too. Mars will enter your 11th house of friendships on October 28th. The next 7 weeks you will see an increase of friends wanting to spend time with you. Invites and opportunities from friends will increase. You may find yourself being more social and outgoing. Friends want to be around you and you want to be around them and your family. Special events and parties are highlighted. You are also active with others. It could be in athletics or sports. You may be part of a group, sport or other activities that makes you connect with people. Be careful as you may argue with a lose that can sever the friendship. On November 1st and 2nd you are getting rid of what you don't need in life. It could be someone or something that is considered unhealthy for you. It may be that you decide to lose weight or take care of your body. Either way change comes for you.
On October 27th you are focused on finances relating to taxes, credit, loans and child support. You may also gain through a bonus, commission, loan, gift or reward. Mars will enter your 10th house of career, promotions and advancements on October 28th. The next 7 weeks can bring in more work projects and ventures. You may want to look for a new job or you study and learn new ways to advance in your career. It could bring in a new job or promotion. A career venture or business venture mar arise. The new venture may be to bring in extra money or you find a new source of income. The next 7 weeks will make you active and strong to build your career and to work hard. You are going to see more opportunities come your way. I feel that this is a time when you will be able to complete and accomplish many projects around you. Your work projects are attacked at full force and energy. You should see more money and if you don't you receive great praise for the work done. From October 31st through November 2nd it's all about the friends. Friends come to you easily. You may find yourself at a special event or party. It's time to socialize and celebrate. Have some fun and connect with the people you love and enjoy including family and friends. Be careful not to argue with a friend as they may only be looking out for your best interest.
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