It's going to be a very week for you. You may begin the week by feeling a bit lost and confused especially around August 4th. You may see a friend in a different light. It could be that you believe or think one thing is going on when the opposite is happening. That energy will continue onto August 5th. Venus will enter your partnership house on August 7th giving you 4 weeks to compromise and communicate with a partner. It's the right time to work out personal issues and problems with the partner. The partner may be a business partner, lover, friend or even a coworker. At the same time it's a day when you may easily meet someone new and exciting. It could be you find love among your friends. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next couple weeks can bring a time to find love, fall in love or meet someone new. You will be a bit possessive and jealous towards them. It could be that you are attracting someone with deep intense emotions and feelings. It may be someone different than what you are usually attracted to. Children are highlighted and it's a wonderful time to spend time with them. It could be a child's first day of school or a child entering school for the first time. You will worry about them and fear the worse for them when they will be fine. Your confidence is great towards creative projects and sports. You will be open to joining new activities including a sport or hobby. It may be in connection to music or the arts. Go ahead and join a program or group that will highlight your talents and skills. You will be surprised at what you can achieve. Give yourself some credit and aim high for yourself.
Work projects may seem a bit unrealistic at this time. You may feel that too much is being taken on by you or you may be feeling a bit tired from all the work given to you. There could be a feeling of lacking confidence in yourself because of the workload thrown at you. I suggest to take your time and just handle projects one at a time. You may not get the positive news you want from a job opportunity. On August 7th Venus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health giving you 4 weeks to enjoy work projects and assignments as your creativity level increase. You seem to get along well with everyone around you. Be careful of your health, as you will indulge in sweets and fatty foods. There could be schedule changes at work or electronics go haywire today. You may seek the advice of someone more experienced on August 8th. You could easily hear great news of a job opportunity on this day too. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks will open the door to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It may bring someone moving in with you or perhaps you move out on your own. You seem to be feeling overly confident that everything will work itself out. You may spend money on new furniture or a new place especially if the area is a more expensive environment. Make sure to set a budget and don't get too carried away.
It's a time to explore and dream on August 4th and 5th. You seem to be open to finding and discovering new opportunities and places. Travel is high if you want to take a quick trip. On August 7th Venus will enter your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next couple weeks will give you the opportunity to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You will enjoy music and theater. A concert or a movie will enlighten you. You may meet someone today and feel a lighting bolt of a rush with this new person. Be careful, as they may not feel the same connection as you. Enjoy a hobby or sport with a child. They will appreciate it. You may meet someone older and mature on August 8th. It could be that you make long-term financial plans at this time too. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks increases communication with everyone via emails, text messages and phone calls. It's great if you want to increase your business. You are feeling confident and optimistic of a trip you take at this time, which may be a bit costly too. Your family and neighbors are open to connecting with you so enjoy time with them. You never know when you may need them the most.
It's time to focus on finances related to taxes, credit, loans and child support. There may be some financial problems or issues. You may need to pay a big debt or bill. The affects will occur on August 4th and 5th. Venus will enter your 4th house of home on August 7th. The next 4 weeks brings a time for you to decorate a room or paint a room. You may also be looking at new places to live. On August 8th the home brings stability and security. You may relocate into a new place that can easily bring long-term residence for you. You may have a roommate move in who could be older and wiser. It may be a long-term lover or partner. You may sign a lease or put a deposit down on a new place to live. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next couple weeks should open the door to new financial opportunities. You may receive a job offer. Be careful as a quite an intense time for you. You may have to relocate for a new job. You may work from home. If you sell your home you should see a profit or gain. Good luck.
It's going to be a fun and exciting time for you especially you being the center of attention. It's all about you. On August 4th will make you focus on a partner. The partner may be a business partner or spouse, lover or friend. You may seem a bit unrealistic about the people or partner you are working alongside with them. What you see may not be what you get. On August 7th Venus will enter your third house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. You are more compassionate and caring towards family and friends. You may find love through the internet or through emails and text messages. It's a great time to find the love in you and give to others. You will see an increase of communication and invites to friends and family or a special someone. Today will also be a fun and exciting day for a special event, party or to receive an invite. On August 8th you are communicating and connecting well with siblings and even your neighbors and family. You may invest into a long-term item including a computer, vehicle or phone. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your own sign. The next couple weeks will be all about you. You will be the center of attention and receive lots of praise. A job offer may come to you. You may receive a raise or even find love. You shine the next couple weeks so enjoy.
The week will begin on August 4th and 5th when you will be focused on work and health. You may feel a little ill from working too much and your health not improving. You may need to rest and relax. It could be that you are not feeling all that well from not eating health. A great time to show your creative side. On August 7th Venus will enter your 2nd house of earned income giving you 4 weeks to make more money but you will also spend it lavishly A the same time you may indulge a little too much on this day too. Be careful not to spend on something you later regret. On August 8th a great financial investment is made. You may receive a job opportunity or offer. I know it's a Sunday so keep an eye on the next couple days. You will also save and oddly enough, lose weight too. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks brings the time to rest and relax. You will catch up on sleep. A great vacation time too. You may need to get rid of some habits and addictions. A time to seek therapy for psychological or emotional issues. It's a time of rest and it's a time to seek medical attention. It may be you needing medical attention or someone else. You will be able to take care of yourself and work on being healthy for the future.
The week begins on August 4th with your focus and attention to love, children and creative projects and sports. You may find someone that you feel a great admiration toward but be careful as you may try to play their savior. Do not delude yourself into thinking you can save everyone including a child. Music, theater, sports and hobbies are also highlighted today. A great time to just get out and have some fun or join a sport with a child or on your own. Venus will enter your own sign on August 7th giving you 4 weeks to receive plenty of praise and attention. You will also change your wardrobe or hairstyle and color. You want to shoe yourself off and this is the time to do so. It's all about you. On August 7th you may meet or build a partnership. The persona may be a bit eccentric or a friend. You may form a partnership with a friend. You do well losing weight and eating health on August 8th. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 11th house of friendships giving you two weeks to make new friends or spend time with old friends. You also seem social and outgoing. Get out and network. You never know whom you may meet. They may just offer you a future job opportunity. Parties and special events are highlighted. Be careful as you may indulge in food and drinks. The weight you are losing may just be gained after eating sweets and fats. Great time to get out and meet people and build connections.
On August 4th and 5th your concern turns to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that you decide to paint or decorate in the home. Someone may move out or be moving in. Venus will be entering your 12th house of secrets and solitude giving you 4 weeks to give selflessly and to help those in need on August 7th. You will also keep feelings to yourself and may find yourself having a secret love affair. As a matter fact on August 7th and 8th you may meet someone new and exciting. On August 8th it's going to be a time to get serious. You need to focus on yourself and your body. You may just rest and catch up on sleep. It could be that you are seeking medical attention and care. You may also give your time to a charity or to someone including a family member or friend. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next 4 weeks will give you the time to receive an advancement, promotion or start a business venture. You want to be the leader and feel that you are worthy of something. Leadership skills and managing a department or company is strong right now. Focus on your goals and lead the way to success. Be careful as you may spend too much to begin a business venture. There could be problems with authority figures and coworkers. Take time to understand their feelings and try to seek compromise.
A quick trip out of town or plans to make a trip will occur on August 4th and 5th. You may also increase communication with the people around you via emails, text messages and phone calls. A wonderful time to connect with family members and friends and even a neighbor. On August 7th Venus will enter your 11th house of friendships. The next 4 weeks will give you the opportunity to spend more time with friends. You may find love among your friends or a lover acts more like a friend to you. Special events and parties are strong too. A great day to get out and have some fun will come on August 7th and 8th. On August 8th you find that connecting with an older wiser friend is positive as they could give you a great piece of advice. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to take a trip or people from a distance come to visit you. It could be that you enter school, college or a university. It's time for you to study, learn and expand your horizons. You may just read about a foreign culture or country. Expend the opportunity to learn something new. You will be surprised at the opportunities that come to you.
Your finances will take a concern on August 4th and 5th. There may be a debt or bill that needs to be paid. You may receive a job offer on these days but there may be some obstacles that come with it. The job may not be your first choice or too far away. On August 7th Venus will enter your 10th house of career giving you 4 weeks to receive praise and recognition for a job well done. You may also receive a job promotion or advancement. It will be an exciting time for you so an opportunity may come in the most unlikely way. It may come through a friend or other connection. It's time to get serious on August 8th as a job opportunity may come today. You may receive a promotion too. A very important day to keep an eye. I know it's a Sunday so make sure to keep an eye on this day and the next couple days too. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks will open the door for you to receive a loan, credit, bonus, commission or even child support and alimony. Financial gains may come easily at this time including a reward or a gift card. Little gains are there it just depends on what is going on. You seem to also indulge at this time so you may gain through a loan only to buy a very expensive home or car. Make sure to budget and save before you end up with a bigger debt.
You seem to give more of your time and effort on August 4th and 5th. It will be a wonderful couple days to let your friends know that you are there for them. Volunteer or give to charity. It will go a long way. On August 7th Venus will enter your 9th house of foreign people and places and long distance trips. The next 4 weeks will be the right time to explore and venture out into new territories. You seem to be open to learning new languages and new environments. You may enter school or college. You may meet someone of different culture or travel with a partner or lover. It's an exciting day for you on the 7th to spend time with someone special or a friend. On August 8th you seem to be focused on the future. You make long-term plans and may even plan a trip. You invest for the future. Broaden your horizons and plan for what may come for you down the road. Save for a trip or for college. You may build a long lasting relationship with someone older and wiser or possibly a Capricorn. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your partnership house giving you two weeks to work closely or meet someone special. You may form a long-term relationship or find someone new. The partnership may be business which is great having Venus supported by Saturn and Jupiter. It indicates stability, security and great financial benefits. The partner may invest in your company or you may be open to investing with them. The partnership should be positive and secure. Be careful not to indulge in too much confidence or it can backfire. A great time to plan and set goals. You seem optimistic that eventually everything will work out. A long-term partner may come to you.
As a Pisces you seem to give easily without asking much in return. You feel it's your duty to help those in need. On August 4th and 5th the urge to reach out to other and give time to them seems strong. You will be there for friends and family. On August 7th Venus will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony and gifts. The next 4 weeks can bring financial benefits including a bonus or commissions. You may be given a gift or reward. It could be a gift card or coupon of free food. There could be some financial gains including casino winnings but it must be promised in the natal chart for you to see winnings. Don't bet your rent money just to end up with zero. Your sex life will also improve. At the same time you seem excited to venture out and try something new like spending a certain amount to receive the free gift the store is giving away. Do not spend just because it may bring a free gift. Today just seems a day for you to take greater risks. On August 8th you will run into a positive financial opportunity or investment. It could be the investment of building financial security. You may purchase a vehicle or computer that will last many years. You may meet someone who will be with you for many years. The plans you make now will be there for the long haul. The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health giving you 2 weeks to work hard for the money and take care of your health. You will see an increase of work projects and assignments. You will exercise and eat health. The new moon will also open the door to pets. You may take care of a pet or get a new pet. You may exercise with a pet. Spending time with animals and pets is strong. If you buy a new pet it could easily be a bit costly. If you can adopt then do a good service for a lot less. Pets need as much love and affection as people. Make time for your pet. A wonderful time to just take care of you and get a massage or new haircut. You will also be open to lavish yourself with a gift. Enjoy.
The Psychic One
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