It seems to be a critical time in regards to a partner. The partner may be professional like a boss, coworker or business partner. It could also personal including a spouse, lover or friends. There may be some serious discussions with this partner. You may feel a bit optimistic and confident with them. Expect to work extra hard for the money today but you will also have plenty of drive and motivation to get work done. In the early morning hours you may be woken up by loud sounds or because you feel a bit ill.
You are feeling optimistic about a work project or business venture. It could be that you are eating unhealthy or indulging in fatty foods and sweets. A great time to focus on the home and complete chores around the home. There may be a disagreement with someone of the opposite sex around 1am.
A lover, partner or child may make promises they won't keep. Be careful what you hear around this time as it may be a bit grandiose or to the extreme. Creative projects and hobbies are fun and it's time to play with children even if they aren't your own. Finances may also be your concern or priority today and you may need to pay a hefty bill or debt.
A work project or job opportunity may present itself today. Be careful what you hear and make sure everything is in writing as you may receive some surprises. A partner may create problems or there may be some disagreements with someone you are working closely with at this time. You may feel anxious and stressed with them or other obligations around you. Around 12:50am you may be woken up by a noise. It could be from a pet or because you needed to take care of something yourself including just going to the bathroom.
You are feeling a great mood and want to express joy and love to the people around you. You feel confident, happy and willing to take chances on projects and opportunities. You also seem to be riding on full speed of energy and motivation so it's a great time to get projects done. Be careful, as you may feel ill in the process especially late at night. Something as simple as heartburn can keep you up late or you may feel that you can't fall asleep. Hopefully you are sound asleep that nothing wakes you up.
You are working hard and creative projects seem to work out for you. Finances related to credit, taxes and loans seem to come through but at what expense. Be careful and read all the paperwork. You may feel a bit disappointed at what you read. A wonderful time to explore new options and choices with finances and debts. A time to budget and save for the future. Children and loved one's around you may create some problems but it looks to me that you find a solution.
A partner may be a little too promising of an opportunity out there. You may see a partner non realistically. Be careful what you hear as you may not get the entire truth. I also feel it's the right time to focus on the home. You may relocate or make changes around the home. There may be some discussions or arguments with someone of the opposite sex around 12:59am.
Work projects increase and you seem to be feeling a bit confident regarding work projects. You may indulge today so your exercise program may go out the door. Be careful of starting business ventures, as they may not pan out at the end. You are working hard today. You may feel a bit ill in the early morning hours.
A lover or child seems to be asking too much from you. You may have a disagreement over financial issues. A job or finances will be difficult today. You may pay a hefty bill or debt. Take time to balance a budget or set up a savings account for college or a new vehicle.
You are highly motivated and full of energy. A wonderful time get work or home projects done on time. You would be surprised at how much you can get done. I feel the home will be highlighted so it's a time to relocate, renovate or make repairs around the home. You may disagree with a partner or friend possibly 1am.
Friends are social and you will see an increase of communication with friends and family via emails, text messages and phone calls. A great time when you will see an increase of sales or clients if you are working and need to sell or provide a service. A great time for you to make the right presentation of yourself. People will like you and find you mesmerizing. Get out and socialize so people know who you are and even may want to buy from you.
Finances are highlighted today you may splurge on a new item or on clothes today. You can't help yourself. You need to spend a little somehow or somewhere. Make sure it's for the right reasons or it can be a purchase you regret. There could also be tensions among friends or a friend may bring about a problem to you. Get out and mingle with family. Let a friend know you are there for them today. They will appreciate you.
All times are EST
The Psychic One
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