Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Weekly horoscoeps April 14-20, 2010


You start the week with the new moon falling in your own sign. The next couple week’s couple will be all about you. You may decide to make changes within your own individuality. You may lose weight or find new love. Neptune will be a great help for you from your house of friendships. You will spend more time with friends or attract new friends easily. It seems to be a wonderful time to show yourself off to others during a party or special event. You are social and outgoing around April 16th and 17th. Friends seem to greatly support you on April 18th. You are also giving your time and compassion to others. Mercury will begin to retrograde on April 18th from your 2nd house of earned income. You may argue over issues related to finances or a paycheck. It could bring a time for you to lose a source of income just to have it replaced from a company or person whom you once worked with at once time. By April 20th the Sun will enter your 2nd house of earned income brining your 4 weeks of financial opportunities and gains. Good luck.


The new moon on April 14th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to get rid of bad habits and people from your life. It's a great time for you to take a vacation and just spend some time to yourself. Catch up on sleep or just spend time with friends and family. It will be a wonderful time for you to seek therapy for addictions or emotional issues and problems. Neptune shows great support from your 10th house of career so you may finally rest from work projects. Friends reach out to you or you seem more social around April 17th. Work projects run smoothly on April 18th. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Mercury will retrograde in your own sign. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to find yourself changing your communication with others. You may also have to revise some projects. On April 20th the Sun will enter your own sign making the next 4 weeks a time were it's all about you. You will receive plenty of attention so have fun.


It seems to be a social week for you. The new moon on April 14th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. the next couple weeks seems to be a time when you make new friends, meet new friends, spend time with old friends or attend a special event. Neptune will also bring light to your life by letting you explore new ventures. You may attend a wedding or spend time with friends new water including a beach or pool. You may feel that you have to make time for your friends while fitting them in between your work schedule but you will find balance somehow. A wonderful career opportunity may come to you on April 16th-17th. You may see more money too. Mercury will retrograde on April 18th from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. I feel that some secrets will be revealed. You may also feel frustrated that plans aren't coming together. By April 20th the Sun will enter your 12th house of solitude bringing you 4 weeks of rest, relaxation and the release of some emotional insecurities.


It's all about your career. The new moon on April 14th will bring two weeks for you to shine in your career. You may receive a great career opportunity that may take you to a different locale. It could be a locale near water. You may be open to making changes in your life and this career change may just be the answer for you. I feel that the wonderful opportunities may come especially around April 16th through April 20th. I feel that you want change for yourself and this could bring a business venture at home. You like the home and would be a wonderful dream to work at home. You may just finally get there. Travel may come for you around April 18th. You may plan or take a trip on that day. It could be that you decide to enter college or market a product on the internet, radio or television. You may expand your horizons to learn something new. Mercury will retrograde from your 11th house of friends. Old issues may need to be resolved with a friend. An old friend may reappear back into your life. The Sun will enter your 11th house of friendships on April 20th bringing you 4 weeks to make friends and spend time with friends. Enjoy.


As you begin the week you will be delighted by the new moon falling in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks will bring a time to plan for the future. You may take a trip or plan one. You may enter college or learn a new language or foreign culture. You will be open to new possibilities. Your future plans may be based on a partner including a business partner, friend, lawyer, or spouse. Future decisions will be planted. A great time to market a product. A financial opportunity may easily come for you on April 16th or 17th. Mercury will retrograde on April 18th from your 10th house of career bringing you about 3 weeks when certain projects may need to be revised. A great time to carefully plan future career projects. A partner may be a great source of help at this time. By April 20th the Sun will enter your career house bringing you 4 weeks of career opportunities and projects. Good luck.


Finances related to credit, taxes and loans will take priority for you when the new moon hits on April 14th. You will spend the next couple weeks making financial plans for the future. Be careful not to apply for a loan soon as Mercury will begin it's retrograde cycle and could bring problems for you. Neptune seems to be a great source of help from your 6th house of work and health. You may gain through work projects or opportunities. Read more about this new moon in your monthly horoscopes. A partner may come your way or spend time with you on April 17th. You may marry or meet someone new including a business partner. Work projects go well on April 18th. You may find a new job around this time. Mercury will retrograde from your 9th house of long distance trips and plans. You may need to change a planned trip or delays in schedules may occur the next 3 weeks. The sun will enter your 9th house on April 20th bringing you 4 weeks to schedule a long distance trip or even make plans for the future. You may even learn a new language in the process. Enjoy.


The new moon on April 14th will bring a very positive time for you to spend two weeks working alongside a partner. It could be a spouse, lover, business partner, doctor or therapist. You may also get engaged or married. Neptune brings great support for this new moon from your 5th house of love and children which tells me this partnership may be related to a lover or a family. I feel this could be more personal than professional. You could seek changes within yourself to give more to your personal relationships. You are compassionate towards others. A great job opportunity may present itself around April 17th. You are social and seem to easily connect with others. Mercury will retrograde on April 18th from your 8th house of credit and finances so be careful these next 3 weeks as you may have some credit issues to correct. A bill may get lost in the mail. A lover or child may need your attention around this day too. On April 20th the sun will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit bringing you 4 weeks of being able to take care of finances related to investments, credit, taxes, loans and bonuses. Good luck as you may receive an unexpected bonus or gift.


It's going to be a time of hard work and health. The new moon on April 14th will bring two weeks of you having to work hard for the money. Work projects will increase and you seem to be open to building more work opportunities for more money. Your health will improve by exercising and eating healthy. You will feel inspired to do well for yourself and I feel you should have no problem accomplishing this goal. On April 17th a lover or child may come to you. You may meet someone new, fall in love or spend time with children. Mercury will retrograde on April 18th from your partnership house bringing you 3 weeks of communication with a partner. You may have an old partner, lover or spouse reappear from your past. Old issues may need to be discussed in order to move forward in the relationship. It may be a time to let go of someone in order to move forward in your life. Communications improve with friends and family too. The sun will enter your partnership house on April 20th bringing you 4 weeks to find a partner, fall in love or collaborate with others on work projects or finances.


It's time to celebrate the new moon with love and children. On April 14th the new moon may bring two weeks to find love, fall in love or spend time around kids. You may hear news of a baby on the way. Be open to new possibilities and opportunities. Neptune brings you great loving support from your house of short trips and communication. You are reaching out to others and may take a trip to visit someone special. A great time to email, text or phone a sibling, lover or child. Your home seems peaceful around April 17th. You may relocate, renovate or buy a new home. A great time to change the decor in your home. A trip or communication looks great around April 18th. You seem to be taking the time to connect with others including family and friends. Mercury will retrograde from your 6th house of work and service on this day bringing you 3 weeks of having to revise some work projects. Your health seems to improve and you are spending time working harder for the money. The Sun will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on April 20th giving you 4 weeks to feel better about your body and to work harder. You may run into a great work opportunity so good luck.


The new moon on April 14th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may purchase a new home or even change the decor in a room. Neptune brings great financial support so you may gain a roommate or even add value to an existing home. A trip may come around April 17th. I feel that this would be a wonderful time for you to connect with family and friend via email, text messages or phone calls. A great time to take a short trip to visit friends and family. Finances look positive on April 18th. Mercury will also retrograde from your 5th house of love and children. You may see an old love come back into your life. Past issues may need to be resolved from a lover or child. You may have to take care of personal issues with a child. On April 20th the Sun will enter your 5th house of love, children and music. You may spend the next few weeks with children, finding love or listening to music. Enjoy.


It's a great time to plan a trip or to to just take a quick trip out of town. The new moon on April 14th will bring you two weeks to take short trips possibly to visit family and friends. You may decide to visit cousins or attend a special event. You will also increase communication via emails and text message. Communication is strong which would make it a great time to reach out to family. You may travel near water. April 16th and 17th seem to be wonderful days for you to focus on finances. You may receive a job offer or a financial opportunity may present itself to you. You seem to feel a bit of compassion towards friends on April 18th. Give a little time to them so they know you care about their feelings. Mercury will retrograde from your 4th house of home making the next 3 weeks a time when you may relocate or have to face some issues related to the home. It could be a lease, mortgage or roommates. Someone may move out or an old roommate may move back in. By April 20th the Sun will enter your 4th house of home bringing you 4 weeks of having to focus on the home or a mother.


It's all about money and making money these next couple weeks. The new moon on April 14th will fall in your house of earned income. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. There may be more money coming in from your current job. Finances should improve or you could find new ways to improve your finances. A great time to budget and save. You may run into an opportunity that will allow you to work alone or privately. A great time to socialize with friends on April 17th. You may attend a party or special event. You will connect with friends or make new friends. Mercury will retrograde on April 18th from your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 3 weeks will bring a time for when you have internet, computer or vehicle problems. You may have problems sending an email or making a phone call. Technical errors may occur easily. Be careful when posting anything on facebook or twitter as it may be misread. You may travel or visit a locale that you haven't been to in many years possibly to visit family or friends. On April 20th the Sun will enter your house of short trips and communication bringing you 4 weeks of communication, travel and interactions with others including siblings and neighbors.


The Psychic One

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