Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Daily horoscope Mar 9, 2010


It seems to be a difficult day full of obligations towards a partner. The partner may be a business partner or personal partner. You may find yourself having to work out some financial issues related to this partner. At 12:08pm you will run into a time when you will reflect back and focus on how to work out any personal issues to bring peace of mind to everyone. It could be related to finances or love. By 6:28pm contact with someone at this time will work best to discuss privately these issues and come to a resolution.


It's all about work projects and assignments. You are focused on getting work assignments done today and will have a very busy day. Expect to run into last minute challenges and obligations. Errands seem to grow throughout the day. Chores feel frustrating but must get done. At 12:08pm there seems to be a time for you to spend time with friends. You may email or text a friend. A great time to reach out and have a quick laugh with a friend. By 6:28pm you seem to be emailing or communicating with friends or groups of friends. A great day to connect and communicate with friends and colleagues. You may be surprised of the news or piece of information given to you today.


Love seems to be filled with obligations. You will be able to discuss personal issues with a lover or child. You may feel that a lover seems to be critical towards your wants and needs. Today will be a great day to bring things out in the open. At 12pm a career opportunity or contact may come at this time. Around 6:30pm you seem to be rounding your day will contact and phone calls, possibly from a female regarding and discussing career opportunities and issues. It will be a wonderful time to plan and organize work projects.


It's all about the home today. You may relocate, renovate or make repairs at home. You will be busy today cleaning the house or even taking care of errands in and out of the house. At 12:08pm you may receive a call from a female including relatives. By 6:28pm you seem to reaching out to someone long distance. It could be you receive a long distance phone call or text.


It may be a day when you have to take care of many emails, phone calls and text messages. It would be the right time to send follow up emails and phone calls. You are focused and will accomplish so much work at the end. It will also be a wonderful day to just get work done including writing projects and articles. A financial transaction seems to run smoothly around 12:07pm. At 6:27pm you may receive or email regarding a financial transaction. It could be phone exchanges regarding the sale of an item. Communication about finances are strong today and you will get plenty done by the end of the day.


Financial obligations may actually depress you or even increase obligations to others. You may have to take care of bills or other financial transactions. A great time to budget and save at this time. A partner may contact you around 12:05pm. It could be a female partner, friend or colleague. By 6:25pm communication from a partner seems to go well. A great time to discuss personal issues. If this is related to a business partner then it will be the right time to discuss issues related to business and finances. A great time to take care of bills or to consult a financial advisor.


It will be a day when you will take care of your health. You will exercise or eat less in order to keep the pounds low. You will take on a new health regimen that will bring results. At 12:08pm you seem to be focused on work obligations or assignments. It may be a time for you to complete work assignments. By 6:30pm you are feeling a bit confident that your work projects will be completed on time. You seem to be busy but you will get plenty done today. It is a wonderful time to focus on drinking more water and go for a walk with your pet. Take care of you so you can live a healthier life.


You may feel a bit depressed and stressed. It could be that financial issues bring a bit of depress, stress or anxiety. Around 12:08pm you are feeling a bit relieved when you connect with a lover or child. You are enjoying the company of friends or coworkers. By 6:20pm a conversation, text or email seems to bring a time of comfort from others. It could be a conversation you have with a loved one brings laughter and excitement.


It's all about your friends today. You may have a discussion or disagreement with a friend. You may lose a friend or seek advice from an older wiser friend. A new friend may come to you who may even be a Capricorn or older. Around 12:08pm you are feeling connected to the home or the mother. You may reach out to a female friend, mother or the home. It will also be a wonderful time to contact a mother or female to see how they are doing especially around 6:27pm. It will be a wonderful time to connect with a female friend or spend time at home. Invite friends over to connect with them.


Your day will be full of interviews, opportunities and assignments. It could be a day when you are given a job offer or opportunity. A great day to move forward with a new career field. You seem to feel a bit frustrated that your home seems to reflect your job. It could be you need to relocate or bring work home. Around 12pm you seem to increasing communication with everyone including neighbors and siblings. A great time to also connect with family and friend around 6:28pm. You may receive an email, text or phone call around this time.


You may look for love or express love today. It could be that someone else is expressing concern or disappointment to you. Be careful on how you connect and communicate with others as it could create miscommunication. You seem to be focused on finances around 12:05pm. There may be positive news regarding finances or just paying a bill. By 6:30pm you are taking care of bills, budgeting and looking for new ways to save. A great financial day overall.


Financial obligations related to taxes, credit and loans seem to consume you today. You may be focused on paying off some bills or managing your finances. A great time to look over how you are spending your money. Around 12:08pm you seem to be connecting with women and friends. Family seems delightful and you are in a great mood. Go for a walk or even treat yourself to something special. By 6:25pm you are focused on budgeting, finances, bookkeeping and even having discussions about money. Emails and phone calls related to finances goes well. You are also having a positive day overall. It's all about enjoying the time to be you.

All times are EST

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