Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Weekly Horoscopes Feb 17-23, 2010


It seems to be a bit of a laid week for you. You seem to feel a little bit relaxed around February 17th through February 19th. It could be you are catching up on work projects or you have an easy schedule. February 20th and February 21st seem to be a bit stressful and you are going to find yourself working hard. A partner may bring problems or disappointments. You have so much to take care of that you may feel a bit flustered by the end of the week. On February 23rd you may hear news of a career opportunity. A great time to complete career projects or a new job comes your way. Good luck.


Career projects and opportunities may easily come your way around February 17th through February 19th. A great time when you may also hear from friends. February 20th and 21st seem to be days when work projects seem overwhelming. You are working hard for the money. You may feel that you are investing so much time and effort and not getting far. Hang in there. BY February 23rd you are focused on future goals and tasks. It could also bring a time for travel or make plans for travel. you may deal with foreigners or foreign lands.


You seem to be making long term and long distant plans. it could be for a trip or just making plans on how to handle your money especially on February 17th through February 19th. February 20th and 21st seem to be looking a bit stressful in connection to a loved one. It may be news that you aren't aware of or a critical issues that needs to be resolved. A child may also need vital attention or focus. It's time to take care of these obligations before it gets worse. By February 23rd you seem to be focused on your finances especially finances related to taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony. Issues should run smoothly and obligations should be resolved.


Your concern turns to finances on February 17th through February 19th. The financial concerns will connect to taxes, credit and loans. It may be that you are still resolving issues related to child support too. February 20th and 21st seem to bring some concerns with the home. You may find yourself having to relocate, renovate or makes changes around the home. A great couple days to clean around the home or get rid of old stuff. By February 23rd you seem to be focused on a partner. The partner may be a business partner, love, friend, doctor, or CPA. A great day to discuss issues or make some resolutions to fix issues at home or at work.


Partnerships take time away from you. It could be that discussions and issues need to be dealt with on February 17th through February 19th. A great time to form a partnership and even consult a doctor, friend or CPA. A partner may be someone personal or business related. You may come to a significant time to move forward and work together to build projects and goals. February 20th and 21st seem to be a bit strenuous. You will feel overwhelmed with projects and obligations. A great time to exercise. By February 23rd you are focused on health, work and pets. A great day when you feel healthy and may take on a new health regimen. It may be a time when you focus on your pet's health. Health projects run smoothly and you get work done.


Work, health and pets seem to be the primary focus for you this week. You are working hard for the money and you are working hard on your health. It seems to be the right time for you to take on primary focus on your pet's health or even take a new health regimen with your pet. A great time to walk or run with your pet. Work projects and obligations get done on time or a new job opportunity comes your way. February 20th and 21st seem to have you stressed with finances. Financial obligations may take more than expected or you pay off a debt. By February 23rd you seem to take time for love, fall in love or spend quality time with children.


Your love life should gain a boost this week. You may feel a bit flustered with work projects but this week should compensate for the days when you weren't able to be there for your loved one's. February 20th and 21st will create some difficulties for you. Even though I feel February 17th through 19th should be positive days full of energy by the 20th and 21st you are feeling tired. It could be that you are overworked and tired. Rest and relax. A great time to exercise and focus on your health. By February 23rd you seem to focus more on the home. You may relocate, renovate or get projects done around the home.


The week seems to bring great energy for you to focus your time around the home. You may make the time to clean the closets or even spend more time with a mother or mother figure especially around February 17th and 18th. On February 20th and 21st you are feeling ill or even feeling a bit confused. It may be that you are pushing yourself to do too much for yourself and may need to take a few days off or just rest for a short time. You may get a minor cold or even feel a bit depressed. Take some time for yourself and just relax for you. By February 23rd you are communicating with everyone via email, phone or text. It is a great time take a short short around town or to visit loved one's.


Communication seems to be your focus on February 17th and 19th. It seems to be a wonderful time for you to reach out to siblings, neighbors and relatives. You will communicate via email, text and phone. A great time for you to take time and call your loved one's. You will feel optimistic about your phone calls and communication. Also a great time for short trips around town. February 20th and 21st will be some strenuous days when focused on friends. A friend may bring some difficulties or you may have to end a friendship. By February 23rd finances go well. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. A great time to look for new opportunities.


Finances seem to be your priority on February 17th and 18th. You are focused on making more money or finding new financial opportunities. It could be on how to save for retirement. You seem to feel a bit stressed at work on February 20th and 21st. You will work hard for the money but feel you are not getting any work done or getting ahead. Take your time to get organize and everything will work out smoothly. By February 23rd you are feeling focused and any plans and ideas you set up should work itself out fine. Good luck.


It seems to be quite an interesting time for you the next couple days especially from February 17th through February 19th. You are open to socializing and being everyone friend. You are feeling the need to even make some new friends. February 20th and 21st seems to be a couple days when a partner may create disagreements and arguments with you. It will be a time to discuss personal issues and to work out personal issues. The partner may be a financial advisor, doctor or lawyer too. By February 23rd you seem to be focused on settling in and resting for the day. If you have work to do then you will feel a bit tired to really get work projects done on time.


The next couple days especially on February 17th and 18th will bring a couple of days to meditate and focus on creative projects. The creative projects may be related to writing and planning. It seems to be a great time to put yourself out there and let people know of your thoughts and ideas. February 20th and 21st will be a bit frustrating especially if you are focusing on finances and work obligations. A great time for your health though. Finances related to taxes and credit may need to be prioritized or resolved. By February 23rd you are making time for your friends. You may spend more time with friends or even make a new friend. Go out and socialize. You never know whom you run into.


The Psychic One

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