As you begin the week your focus will be on a partner. The partner may be a lover, spouse, friend, coworker, employee or business partner. On May 25th and May 26th these issues will come to light with this partner. There could be disagreements or arguments. It may be that you do not connect well with the people around you and may feel tension and pressure to be able to connect and get along with them. Your career may run into some problems on May 28th and May 29th. There may be disagreements or arguments with customer, clients and coworkers. You may have to find ways to collaborate and connect with them. It could also be very difficult to work with others. You may also experience an increase of work projects, duties and tasks. You will feel stress and anxiety at this time. By the end of the week you seem to feel a bit delusional and lost in the clouds. On May 31st you will experience some difficulties or problems understanding where others are coming from. It may confuse you especially with the information that is being given to you. You may be a bit lost with information are how to complete a project.
Work projects and assignments will increase on May 25th and May 26th. It could be that you will feel overwhelmed with projects and tasks. You will feel stress and anxiety at this time because you feel that there is so much to take care of in a short period of time. You can only do so much but you want to push yourself to get as much done as you can at this time. On May 28th and May 29th you will feel that you will have to discard something from your life in order to move forward. It could be a job or work projects. It could be how you handle certain work projects. You seem to take on so much at this time that it can actually drain you out. As you enter the month of June your focus will turn to financial obligations and duties. The eclipse that will be coming on June 1st will make you work hard for the money. Yes, you may see more money but you also neglect family and friends in the process. I the end of the week you seem to be more focused on taking care of duties and task around you. Your health may suffer because you are working too hard. You may suffer from headaches and migraines because you lack sleep and focus. Try to handle things one step at a time even though it may be difficult for you to do right now.
The last week for the month of May will make you focus on your own wants and needs. On May 25th and May 26th your focus will turn to love and relationships. There may be problems with a lover or partner. There also could be problems with the child. You may have to deal with issues relating to education and, sports, hobbies and other artistic talents and skills. If you have a disagreement are argument with a lover or partner try to come to resolution or it can bring the ending of the relationship. You're having problems with the child try to figure out ways to compromise so that everyone can feel that they're getting what they want without losing your integrity. On May 27th and May 28th your focus will be on financial issues relating to taxes, credit, loans, shout support and alimony. It looks like you may be entitled to some debt or financial obligation. It could be that you know what this debt will be in its just a matter of taking care of it. By the end of the week he seemed to be focus on where you would like to be in the future and what you need to do in our to get there. You may be caught up in the clouds a fantasy and daydreaming. Stay focused that you can start the month of June with vitality and energy. The month of January all about you is so many planet falling in your own sign you cannot ask for better month.
It's time for you to focus on your own well-being. As you begin the month on May 25th and May 26th the focus will turn to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that someone is moving in are moving out of the home. It may be that you have to take care of a parent or a mother. On May 28th and May 29th your focus will turn to a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, business partner, coworker or employee. There may be arguments with this partner. If you cannot come to a resolution today can create the ending of a partnership. As you get to the end of the week you will be can to focus your energies on the month of June and the opportunity that a new month can bring for you. It will most likely relate to the home in your career. It will also bring a time for you to get rid of what you don't need in your life including any unhealthy habits and people. The month of June will make you focus on becoming a stronger person in your life and what you need to do in order to build strength and energy for yourself.
The focus for this week will be on communication and travel. You will also find yourself writing and reading more frequently. On May 25th and May 26th you may experience some problems with communication and travel. Or maybe problems with the vehicle, computer or phone. It could also be that you have many projects to take care of that will require communication of sorts. It may be through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You can expect it to be a very busy and productive day. On May 28th and May 29th you seem to have many duties and obligations to take care of. It could leave you feeling a bit stressed or anxious. It will also be a time for you to complete any projects or get rid of any projects that are really doing you any good. By the end of the week your focus will turn to being more social and outgoing. As you start to get into the month of June you will focus more on friends, groups and organizations. It would also be a great time for you to begin communicating with others on the Internet, e-mails and phone calls. The month of June will be a highly social time for you so be prepared to be connecting with those around you.
Your finances will be a great concern for you as you begin the week. On May 25th and May 26th you may have difficulties paying the bills or taking care of them debts. It is a time for you to watch over what you need in order to get ahead with your finances. Is time for you to set a budget and save for the future. You may also receive a job opportunity or offer but the obligations and duties may be a bit thick and chaotic. On May 28th and May 29th love and relationships may bring some problems. You may argue with a lover or partner. It could also bring the ending of a relationship. There may also be problems with a child. It could relate to any sports, hobbies or recreational activities. You may also have to focus on the health of the child or of your own. By the end of the week your career finances will be highlighted. It could bring new opportunities to make more money or to get another job. If your concern has been to bring in more financial security for yourself then the month of June will be pretty positive for you so hang in there.
You seem to be more focused on your own personal wants and needs. As you begin the week you may feel a bit stressed or anxious to get work done or to get ahead in your finances and career. He seemed to feel like you have so much on your shoulders to worry about but don't know what direction to go first. As you continue on the week your concerned then turns to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that someone will move in her moves after the home. You may also decide that its just time to get rid of some old items in the home. A great time to clean up the closet thing garage. By the end of the week travel and education is highlighted. As you start to get closer to the month of June you will discover that you will find yourself traveling mentally and physically. It could be that you study and learn something new. Marketing and mass media can also be another concern for you especially if you run your own business and are looking to promote a product.
Your health and well-being will be a concern for the week. It could be that you have to take care of somebody else's health and concerns for their well-being. I feel that on May 25th and May 26th you may feel a bit ill, stress, depressed or anxious either because you are not feeling well or because you have to focus on your health concerns or issues. It's a great time for you to take care of your body by exercising and eating healthy. Also great way for you to focus on any duties and obligations. You may feel that you have plenty to take care of for yourself and this is the time for you to focus on your own energy and motivation to get projects done. On May 28th and May 29th you may travel or take short trips around town or plan a trip out-of-town. It could also be that you have to focus on communicating and connecting with others via the Internet, e-mails, text messages and phone calls. It could bring a disagreement or argument. You may also have problems with vehicles, computers and phones. It may be time to replace a vehicle or phone. By the end of the week you will focus on finances relating to taxes, credit cards, loans, shout support and alimony. It seems to be a very highly active time for you to take care of these obligations and duties. You may find new ways to make extra money through bonuses and commissions. It's also time for you to start setting a budget and save for the future.
Friends and groups may create problems for you on May 25th and May 26th. You may lose a friend or argue with a friend. It could be that you are feeling disconnected with others. There comes a time when you need to face the fact that some people think and feel differently than you. You will have financial obligations on May 28th and May 29th. It is a time for you to pay the bills or focus on getting a new job. You may have difficulties with finances at this time or trying to budget and save for the future. By the end of the week your focus will turn to the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, coworker, business partner or employee. It is a time for you to take care of obligations in connection to this partner. You may have to work out personal issues or professional issues and problems. Be prepared that as you enter the month of June you will now have to begin thinking about others and not about yourself.
Career obligations and duties seem to be highlighted on May 25th and May 26th. It is time for you to take care of projects, duties and tasks in connection to work in your career. You may be completing studies in education at this time for your career. There may be challenges and problems at work. You can expect more difficulties on May 28th and May 29th. It is a time for you to focus on your own wants and needs and to take care of the obligations connected to where you would like to be added the future. Maybe time to let go of some old habits and people. By the end of the month and as you enter the month of June your focus will turn to work obligations, task and duties. Be prepared to be working hard for the money and you may take on an extra job just to get ahead in your finances.
As you begin the week on May 25th and May 26th you seem to be focusing on where you would like to be added in the future. It could involve education or travel. It may also involve marketing and promoting a product. There may be difficulties trying to get ahead with your education or career. You may have to compromise for others or it could be that you have difficulties connecting with others. There seems to be a time when you need to let go of old habits and people especially around May 28th and May 29th. It is time to let go of what has not been working in your life including people, habits and old items in your home. Is time to clean out the closets emotionally, psychologically and physically. By the end of the week and as you enter the month of June your focus will turn to love and relationships. Children will also be highlighted at the time when you may want to focus on the children you're ready have or spending time with children. It will be a time for you to find love, fall in love or begin dating. You may be seeking attention from others and this would be a great time for you to socialize and mingle. Children may bring a delight for you and you may get involved in sports and hobbies.
You may experience some financial difficulties relating to taxes, credit and loans on May 25th and May 26th. It is time for you to pay bills and debts that might be connected to taxes, credit cards and loans. It also could be connected to child support, alimony and settlements. Friends may create problems for you on May 27-May 29th. You may have to eliminate some friends are detach yourself from some friends or groups. It could be that you are thinking differently than them or they may have greater expectations from you that what you can offer. By the end of the week and as you get closer to the month of June your focus will turn to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be you buy new furniture or decorate around the home. Your focus can also be on a parent or mother. Someone may move in or out of the home.
The Psychic One
Psychic Readings $1.89/min
800-275-5336 ext 0234
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Weekly horoscopes May 4, 2011-May 10, 2011
On May 5th and May 6th it's great time to enjoy and celebrate life. Your outgoing associate on this would be a great time for you to get out and meet new people. On May 6th the Moon sextile Jupiter at 10:29 AM Eastern standard. Is a great time to socialize and communicate with others especially a female friend or relative. Friends are social and outgoing with you add 11:53 PM. If you are ready of believe then this might be a time when you receive a tax are e-mail from someone. Your dreams are more vivid and creative. On May 9th and May 10th you express yourself more carefully and with compassion. You seem to be there more for others and they enjoy spending time with you.
You seem to be more in the mood to reach out to others on May 5th and May 6th. It's a great time to check or work obligations and duties. I would suggest to use this time to look over any projects carefully as you seem to have more patience for detail. Tonight you seem to be more dedicated to get projects done. You enjoy your work even in the late hours. A great time to look over finances. On May 9th and May 10th you will focus more on your own personal wants and needs in this would be a great time for yourself. You are more loving and affectionate to others. A great time to send an e-mail or a card. People appreciate your compassion.
As you begin the week you will find yourself focusing on work obligations, duties and tasks. You may be busy with projects at work or at home. Expect to work harder for the money or to work more for the money. On May 6th the Moon sextile Jupiter at 10:29 AM Eastern standard Time. You seem to be in a good mood and will enjoy spending time with others. Also great time for you to connect with a female friend or relative. On May 8th and May 9th friends want to spend time with you. It's a great time to connect with current friends or make a new friend. You may receive an invite to attend a special event or party or you may be attending a special event or party on these days.
Your love life is highlighted for the next few days. You may find love, follow lover spend time even with children. Music, theater and movies are also highlighted. You want to go out and have fun and this would be a great time for you to socialize. On May 6th the Moon trine Neptune at 11:53 PM Eastern standard Time. You will find yourself been more intuitive and creative at this time. On May 9th and May 10th your career may bring some great opportunities for you. You may receive a job promotion or opportunity. A great time to make a presentation, interview or attend a meeting. You are considerate and compassionate towards coworkers and employees.
Your focus during the week seems to relate to your career. You may receive a job offer or promotion. It could also be a time when you have to relocate for your job or career. It may be something difficult to do but it must get done. On May 6th at 10:29am EST the Moon sextile Jupiter making this a great time to socialize and connect with family and friends. On May 9th and May 10th you are open to exploring new possibilities and new opportunities. You may travel or make plans to take a trip. A great time to reach out to family and friends.
You seem to be focused on long-distance travel, foreign people and places and also focus on education and publishing. It may be a time for you to expand your horizons by taking the trip or reading on a culture or country. You may find yourself connecting with people from afar or have others come to visit you. On May 6th at 11:53 PM the Moon trine Neptune highlighting creativity and artistic abilities. Your intuition will increase and seven your greatest premonitions may come through at this time. On May 9th and May 10th finances related to taxes, credit and loans will be your priority and focus. You may receive the approval of a loan or credit and this would be a great time for you to look for a new car, computer or home. A great time to decorate and design.
Financial concerns relating to taxes, credit, loans, bonuses, commissions, shout support and alimony all will take your priority and concern for the next few days. You may receive a loan or credit card. It could be that you gain through child support, settlement, bonuses and commissions. There may be financial or material gains. On May 6th the moment sextile Jupiter at 10:29 AM Eastern standard Time. You are in good spirits and a great mood to socialize and connect with people you love. You may receive a text message, e-mail or phone call from a female. It could be you that reaches out to others. On May 9th and May 10th a partner wants to connect with you. It's great time to e-mail or text a partner or you may receive a nice e-mail or text from them. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or employer. Reach out to family and friends, as this would be a great time to let them know that you care about them and that you have love for them.
you seem to be focus on a partner this week. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or employer. You may have to discuss some issues or problems but the good news is that you will come to a resolution at this time. You may also build a stronger commitment and relationship with someone including getting engaged or married. You may form a business partnership at this time. On May 6th the moment sextile Jupiter at 10:30 AM Eastern standard Time. It's going to be a great time for you to indulge in love and sweets. You are in a good mood and have a great sense of humor. At 11:53 PM the Moon trine Neptune as this will be a great time to create and paint. You seem more sympathetic and compassionate towards others. You have vivid dreams and fantasies. You’re also more compassionate and sympathetic towards others. On may 9th and May 10th work obligations and duties seem to come to a completion. If you have a busy day ahead of you then everything seems to be running more smoothly. You connect well with coworkers, clients and customers. You are social and outgoing. Your health will also improve at this time.
The week continues on with you having to work hard for the money. Work obligations and duties seem to keep you busy this week. It's also a time for you to take care of your health by eating healthy and exercising. A great time to also take a walk with a pet if you have a dog that needs regular exercise. On May 6th the Moon trine Neptune at 11:53pm EST making it a great time to dream and create. You are also in a compassionate and loving mood. You give love to someone special or a child on May 9th. You may go out on a date or meet someone special. It's also a great time for children and to enjoy music on your own or with a child.
Your love life is highlighted this week. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It's also a great time to enjoy a sport or hobby. Music and other artistic crafts are highlighted. Get out and socialize, as this is a great time to meet new people or even a future love partner. On May 9th and May 10th your home seems to be your main focus. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. A great time to entertain at home. You are social and want to communicate with others including family and friends.
You seem to be focused on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. It may be that you purchase a new home or get a new apartment. Your creativity runs high on May 6th especially in the late evening hours. You seem to know how to decorate or design even if you are someone who isn't much into decorating. I also feel that you may help someone in need. You are sympathetic to someone else's need and feelings. On May 9th and May 10th you are in a mood to take a quick short trip. Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may also connect with family, cousins, friends or neighbors.
Short trips, siblings and neighbors are still taking over this week. You may take a few unexpected trips to visit family and friends. It could be that you are highly social and meeting friends and family for a special event or party. Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. You are looking to connect and communication with your neighbors, family and friends. On May 8-10 you are feeling a great energy to focus on your finances. You may find new ways to make more money or to see more money coming in. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Good luck.
The Psychic One
On May 5th and May 6th it's great time to enjoy and celebrate life. Your outgoing associate on this would be a great time for you to get out and meet new people. On May 6th the Moon sextile Jupiter at 10:29 AM Eastern standard. Is a great time to socialize and communicate with others especially a female friend or relative. Friends are social and outgoing with you add 11:53 PM. If you are ready of believe then this might be a time when you receive a tax are e-mail from someone. Your dreams are more vivid and creative. On May 9th and May 10th you express yourself more carefully and with compassion. You seem to be there more for others and they enjoy spending time with you.
You seem to be more in the mood to reach out to others on May 5th and May 6th. It's a great time to check or work obligations and duties. I would suggest to use this time to look over any projects carefully as you seem to have more patience for detail. Tonight you seem to be more dedicated to get projects done. You enjoy your work even in the late hours. A great time to look over finances. On May 9th and May 10th you will focus more on your own personal wants and needs in this would be a great time for yourself. You are more loving and affectionate to others. A great time to send an e-mail or a card. People appreciate your compassion.
As you begin the week you will find yourself focusing on work obligations, duties and tasks. You may be busy with projects at work or at home. Expect to work harder for the money or to work more for the money. On May 6th the Moon sextile Jupiter at 10:29 AM Eastern standard Time. You seem to be in a good mood and will enjoy spending time with others. Also great time for you to connect with a female friend or relative. On May 8th and May 9th friends want to spend time with you. It's a great time to connect with current friends or make a new friend. You may receive an invite to attend a special event or party or you may be attending a special event or party on these days.
Your love life is highlighted for the next few days. You may find love, follow lover spend time even with children. Music, theater and movies are also highlighted. You want to go out and have fun and this would be a great time for you to socialize. On May 6th the Moon trine Neptune at 11:53 PM Eastern standard Time. You will find yourself been more intuitive and creative at this time. On May 9th and May 10th your career may bring some great opportunities for you. You may receive a job promotion or opportunity. A great time to make a presentation, interview or attend a meeting. You are considerate and compassionate towards coworkers and employees.
Your focus during the week seems to relate to your career. You may receive a job offer or promotion. It could also be a time when you have to relocate for your job or career. It may be something difficult to do but it must get done. On May 6th at 10:29am EST the Moon sextile Jupiter making this a great time to socialize and connect with family and friends. On May 9th and May 10th you are open to exploring new possibilities and new opportunities. You may travel or make plans to take a trip. A great time to reach out to family and friends.
You seem to be focused on long-distance travel, foreign people and places and also focus on education and publishing. It may be a time for you to expand your horizons by taking the trip or reading on a culture or country. You may find yourself connecting with people from afar or have others come to visit you. On May 6th at 11:53 PM the Moon trine Neptune highlighting creativity and artistic abilities. Your intuition will increase and seven your greatest premonitions may come through at this time. On May 9th and May 10th finances related to taxes, credit and loans will be your priority and focus. You may receive the approval of a loan or credit and this would be a great time for you to look for a new car, computer or home. A great time to decorate and design.
Financial concerns relating to taxes, credit, loans, bonuses, commissions, shout support and alimony all will take your priority and concern for the next few days. You may receive a loan or credit card. It could be that you gain through child support, settlement, bonuses and commissions. There may be financial or material gains. On May 6th the moment sextile Jupiter at 10:29 AM Eastern standard Time. You are in good spirits and a great mood to socialize and connect with people you love. You may receive a text message, e-mail or phone call from a female. It could be you that reaches out to others. On May 9th and May 10th a partner wants to connect with you. It's great time to e-mail or text a partner or you may receive a nice e-mail or text from them. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or employer. Reach out to family and friends, as this would be a great time to let them know that you care about them and that you have love for them.
you seem to be focus on a partner this week. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or employer. You may have to discuss some issues or problems but the good news is that you will come to a resolution at this time. You may also build a stronger commitment and relationship with someone including getting engaged or married. You may form a business partnership at this time. On May 6th the moment sextile Jupiter at 10:30 AM Eastern standard Time. It's going to be a great time for you to indulge in love and sweets. You are in a good mood and have a great sense of humor. At 11:53 PM the Moon trine Neptune as this will be a great time to create and paint. You seem more sympathetic and compassionate towards others. You have vivid dreams and fantasies. You’re also more compassionate and sympathetic towards others. On may 9th and May 10th work obligations and duties seem to come to a completion. If you have a busy day ahead of you then everything seems to be running more smoothly. You connect well with coworkers, clients and customers. You are social and outgoing. Your health will also improve at this time.
The week continues on with you having to work hard for the money. Work obligations and duties seem to keep you busy this week. It's also a time for you to take care of your health by eating healthy and exercising. A great time to also take a walk with a pet if you have a dog that needs regular exercise. On May 6th the Moon trine Neptune at 11:53pm EST making it a great time to dream and create. You are also in a compassionate and loving mood. You give love to someone special or a child on May 9th. You may go out on a date or meet someone special. It's also a great time for children and to enjoy music on your own or with a child.
Your love life is highlighted this week. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It's also a great time to enjoy a sport or hobby. Music and other artistic crafts are highlighted. Get out and socialize, as this is a great time to meet new people or even a future love partner. On May 9th and May 10th your home seems to be your main focus. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. A great time to entertain at home. You are social and want to communicate with others including family and friends.
You seem to be focused on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. It may be that you purchase a new home or get a new apartment. Your creativity runs high on May 6th especially in the late evening hours. You seem to know how to decorate or design even if you are someone who isn't much into decorating. I also feel that you may help someone in need. You are sympathetic to someone else's need and feelings. On May 9th and May 10th you are in a mood to take a quick short trip. Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may also connect with family, cousins, friends or neighbors.
Short trips, siblings and neighbors are still taking over this week. You may take a few unexpected trips to visit family and friends. It could be that you are highly social and meeting friends and family for a special event or party. Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. You are looking to connect and communication with your neighbors, family and friends. On May 8-10 you are feeling a great energy to focus on your finances. You may find new ways to make more money or to see more money coming in. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Good luck.
The Psychic One
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